Team:Wageningen UR/Journal/week4


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week 4: 21 may - 27 may

office work

This week feeled a bit of a slow week. Two of our team members were a day sick. After the great succes with the phyre2 program, we searched for a program that uses the output of the phyre2 program to predict the quaternary structure of the VLPs. In other words can a VLP be formed if we apply certain . We found out that there aren't many programs that can accuratly predict the quaternary structure and the programs that are available aren't really compatible with phyre2. Besides getting stuck with the prediction model Mark is investigating further for a new methodology to determine if VLPs were formed. He found two methods that can be used: assymetric flow field-flow fractionation (AFFFF) followed by multi angle light scaterring (MALS) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). Thijs and Jasper continued further with the development of The Constructor and they hope to have he program ready for bet testing after the weekend


written by: Mark

lab work

Testing CCMV protocol


  • Sonified 6 x 30 seconds, output 3-4, amplitude around 20 on ice! cool as much possible, 50 seconds on ice between 30 second steps.
  • lysate in 50 ml disassembly buffer.
  • Centrifuged at 15000 RPM, 3 minute
  • Start dialysis


  • Took negative control for SDS, non induced BL21 CCMV,
  • Grew overnight in LB+kan

  • Sample transferred to new tube
  • Stored in -20 degree Celcius


  • BL21 Plated and grown in Greiner tube 10 ml tube
  1. BL21 2 plates freezer
  2. BL21 2 Greiner tubes 30 degree Celcius stove
  • SDS-PAGE to check for the abundance of CCMV wt capsid proteins
    • 10% SDS gel
    • staining for 15 min with Coomassie blue following 15 min of destaining

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