Team:TU Munich/Results/BBF RFC25


Revision as of 15:13, 14 September 2012 by VolkerMorath (Talk | contribs)


The Idea: Its all about standardization...

Text describing the idea.

The Survey: Integrating opinions and ideas from the community.

Text describing the idea.

The survey was sent to all contact addresses of iGEM Teams from this year.

Question 1:

Which iGEM Team do you belong to?

Question 2:

Do you use BioBricks from the registry for your project?

Question 3:

How would you describe the average quality of the part descriptions that you dealt with?

Question 4:

Do you think a standardization of the part descriptions could increase the usability of BioBricks in the future?

Question 5:

We propose to use a standardized form for the part descriptions of BioBricks in the Parts Registry similar to the following: [].
Would you like to use such a standardized template providing a structure in the source code that just needs to be completed?

Question 6:

Do you have suggestions what kind of additional information should be included in the standardized part descriptions? So far the following information are included: * keywords, abbreviations, other versions of the BioBrick, RFC standard, deleted restriction sites, truncations of the nucleotidesequence - if coding for proteins * amino acid replacements, posttranslational modifications, enzymatic activities, cytotoxicity, source of the construct, originating organism, codonoptimization, literature references, sequence references, structure references.


Do you have any other suggestions how the usability of BioBricks could be increased by better describing them?