The LMU-Munich team is exuberantly happy about the great success at the World Championship Jamboree in Boston. Our project Beadzillus finished 4th and won the prize for the "Best Wiki" (with Slovenia) and "Best New Application Project".
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We are collaborating with the iGEM teams:
- UCL: The UCL iGEM team, visited us in Munich during the CAS SynBio Conference. When the conference was finished they stayed one day longer to help us with the modelling. We could explain the modellers from London our project face to face so that they could think of potential ways to modell our project.
- Groningen: The team from Groningen also works with B. subtilis. We send them our new parts, we designed for our Bacillus BioBrickbox. Groningen could directly use them for their cloning and we got some feedback about our parts.
- Wageningen: iGEM Wageningen works on the modification of virus-like particles (VLPs) to make them interesting platforms for vaccine production and/or site specific drug delivery. So both of us want to display proteins, Wageningen on their VLP, and our team on spores. We think about showing the functionality of both our systems by binding the one to the other.
- Cambridge: Cambridge also works with B. subtilis spores. We keep contact to help each other out if any of us encounters problems.
- TU Munich: The TU-munich team works with yeast and lost some important BioBricks from the Spring distribution. We provided our aliquots to help them getting those rather quick.
We are still looking for other teams that work with Bacillus subtilis to test our new BioBricks. Check our list of parts and email us ( in case there is any helpful BioBrick for you.