Team:Wageningen UR/Protocol/DynamicLightScatteringMachine


Revision as of 12:33, 1 June 2012 by MarkvanVeen (Talk | contribs)

Dynamic Light Scattering user manual

Preperation of the DLS-machine

  1. If you are an experienced user of one of the DLS setups, you can use this manual as a reminder to perform your measurments on DLS-3. If you want something measured, contact Mark van Veen.
  2. If the laser is note switched on. The power supply is the small black box on the left side on the bread board. Wait about five minutes for the laser to warm up.
  3. Switch on the power supply of the Photo Multiplier detector. (This is the small metal box under the table with the blue cover and the note ”Thorn EMI Electron Tube” on the front panel).
  4. Check if the thermostatic bath (Haake Phoenix II P2) is switched on. If not, switch it on and wait for the bath to start. Also check if the bath is circulating. If not, the text on the display next to the top button in the left says ‘start’. Press this button to start the pump. The pump will start and the text will change to ‘stop’.

Preperation of the computer

  1. If the computer is not switched on yet, start it and log in.
  2. If the ALV software is not started yet you should do the following:
    • Start the program by clicking the shortcut “ALV5000” on the desktop.
  3. If the program has started, press F7 or go to “Setup” and choose “Option Setup”.
  4. Now the “Option Setup” screen will open.
  5. Check if the other parameters are set right (usually they are):
    1. ALV-LSE Support:
      • No additional hardware is present
    2. ALV-LSE:
      • Measure temperature & Diode via ALV-Correlation: No
    3. General:
      • Setting not important
    4. Detector and Detector Safety:
      • Count Rate Alert at 5000.000kHz
      • “Pseudocross” detection used: No