Team/CINVESTAV-IPN-UNAM MX/Acknowledgments.htm


Revision as of 04:04, 27 September 2012 by LoboLofi (Talk | contribs)


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We thank all the people who help us in all and every panic

moment that we have, lol : )

Juan Carlos Martinez-Garcia PhD
For his support in mathematical modeling
Ing. Susana Ruiz
For his support in Molecular Biology Techniques
Ana Lilia Hernández
For his support in Molecular Biology Techniques
QFB. Norma Silvia Sánchez-Sánchez
For her advices and support to the team.
Dr. Heliodoro Celis Sandoval
For allow us to work in his lab at iFC, UNAM.
Dra. Karen Nava Castro
For her advices and help in Flow Citometry.
Dr. Jorge Morales Montor
For his support in the project and allow us to work in his lab.

Msc Libertad Pantoja Hernández

Hector Silva-Gutierrez
Cesar Villavicencio-Cordova
Eduardo Moreno Rodríguez
Manuel Camacho Zaragoza

Wiki Design

Alejandro Peréz Cruz
María Luisa Sáenz Jaramillo