Team:TU Munich/Team/Collaborations


Revision as of 11:03, 15 September 2012 by VolkerMorath (Talk | contribs)



Poster-Presentation at Conferences

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Biotechnologie 2020+ | 3. Jahreskongress

Fabian, Lara and Volker joined the other German teams at the conference organized by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research.

Here the idea for the German information day about Synthetic Biology was born.

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CAS Conference – Synthetic Biology

Fabian joined the other teams at the [ CAS Conference] in Munich to present our poster.

Participation in the iGEM Germany action day for synthetic biology



Collaboration with the second iGEM Team from Munich: LMU Munich


Collaboration with Jessica Ebner from Stuttgart University

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Providing our "Original Bavarian Collaboration Medal"

This team completed TU Munich's survey on Standardization of BioBrick part descriptions For the response of our [ survey on standardization of BioBrick part descriptions] we provided all the participants with a small badge (shown on the left) for the collaboratin page of their wiki to show that they contributed with their opinion to our attempt to improve the usability of BioBricks in the future.
Additionally we will raffle a typical Bavarian present among all teams completing our survey.
Number of participants: 77
Number of different teams: to determine
List of the Teams that have participated:

Contribution to "iGEM Memes" on Facebook

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TUM12 iGEM-Meme2.jpg

During spare time in the lab, the creative minds of our team submitted two pictures to the facebook page created by the team from Stanford-Brown