A multidisciplinary and complementary team
The members of the team come from different schools and universities:
- Evry university, Master mSSB (Synthetic and systemic biology)
- Versailles Saint Quentin university
- Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Philosophy)
- Ecole Normale Supérieure
- Ecole Centrale Paris (Engineering)
- Sup'Biotech Paris (Biotechnology)
- ESIEE Management (Biotechnology)
- Télécom Sud Paris (Telecommunication Engineering & Managment)
- Epita (Computer Science)
- La Paillasse (Paris Community Lab for Biotech)
Our environment: a key location for synthetic biology in France
The Institute of Systems and Synthetic Biology (iSSB):
iSSB is located on the Genopole® in Evry, host team in the summer. The iSSB is a laboratory at the University of Evry and CNRS, supported by Genopole®. It is a multidisciplinary environment where collaborate physicists, chemists, computer scientists and biologists. It is also the laboratory who founded and directs the Master 2 Systems Biology Synthetic and MSSB. This master of avant-garde, unique in France, offers courses provided by researchers at the forefront of their field, which guaranteed training in the state of the art techniques used in synthetic biology.
Our Special Collaborators
La Paillasse: The Paris community Lab for Biotech
La Paillasse is a physical and web platform for citizen scientists, amateur biologists, researchers and entrepreneurs that fosters open-science, debates and hands-on practice of Biotechnology. La Paillasse is also the first and largest community laboratory for Biotech in France. This year, La Paillasse and its members are joining the team of Evry to participate in the design and the realization of one of the coolest iGEM project: The french froggies. La Paillasse is also responsible for the development of the Biotic Game project, in association with the Game Design school ISART Digital. During the summer, La Paillasse will organize meet-ups between citizens and the iGEM team for explaining the stakes of our iGEM projects and of Synthetic Biology in general. Visit our website!
Game Design, 3D Animated Movies and Special Effects
Description here
Composition of the team
Contents |
Lab team
Master 2, mSSB, Evry university
I did my bachelor at Evry’s University, in Bioinformatics. During that year when Jean-loup Faulon presented iGem and synthetic biology, I found it very interesting. I wanted to participate with iGem from my bachelor. Because no team existed yet close to our university, William and I decided to create this team in November and we looked for interested people, funding and projects. I am very excited to be involved in this project with this wonderful team.
4th year, Sup'Biotech Paris
I’m a bachelor graduated student from a Parisian engineering school. I look forward to a Master degree in biotechnology. I discovered synthetic biology mainly through conferences and I’ve been immediately fascinated by this new biological approach to work on living systems. iGEM is a good opportunity for me to start in this field and to acquire experience for my future engineering carrier.
Master 2, mSSB, Evry university
I did my bachelor's degree and my first Master year In Beirut Arab University, Lebanon, In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. I came across the term synthetic Biology on the mSSB Website and then started doing some research about the Synthetic Biology topic. Now I want to be part of this wave of unorthodox and ingenious attempts to help create better things around us. I COULDN'T BE Prouder
to be part of IGEM EVRY 2012.
Master 2, mSSB, Evry university
Having acquired a biological background and a first year of master in “Genomics, Cells, Development and Evolution” at the University of Paris Sud 11, I started to be interested in systems biology since my last year of bachelor and decided on getting involved in this approach during both my second year of master and my master’s thesis. I am participating in the iGEM competition as it allows me to combine experimental work with theoretical modelling. I am keen to learn not only different biological techniques and modeling approaches but also to learn from teammates and other iGEM teams.
Master 2, mSSB, Evry university
I did my bachelor in Edinburgh university, and came into contact with
synthetic biology when I participated iGem with the 2010 Edinburgh team. My background is mostly molecular microbiology and biotechnology, but during iGEM I came into contact with modelling and how it could serve biology, thanks to the great modellers in our team. I decided to participate in mSSB in order to learn some more about modelling and programming so I could work more closely with computer people later :)
5th year, Sup'Biotech Paris
I’m currently in my final year at Sup'Biotech Paris, a school of biotechnology, and my professional aim is to work on bioproduction processes. I’m attracted, since I was young, by all the possibilities of DNA manipulation and discovered synthetic biology with the first synthetic bacteria. Why did I join iGEM? It's a unique chance to participate in a challenging and concrete project.
4th year, Sup'Biotech Paris
I'm in my fourth year at Sup'Biotech, an engeenering school in biotechnologies. Like many others, I have been amazed by the controversy surrounding the publication of Craig Venter and his synthetic bacterium "Synthia". Since then, I am very interested to acquire expertise in this field and the iGEM competition is a chance for me to be part of this new science.
1st year, AIV
I've currently finished my license (Bachelor) in biotechnology and I'm about to join the AIV (Interdisciplinary approaches to life science) Masters. I discovered synthetic biology with the Craig Venter's paper (released in may 2010). After that, my school gave me a 5 month research & information processing project on synthetic biology. Through this project I've discovered the iGEM competition and the opportunities surrounding the emergence of this science filed. Enrolling in an iGEM team will give me a sight of how synthetic biology experimentations are, and also, to work with people who are interested in this science too.
2nd year Biology degree, Versaille Saint-Quentin University
Biologist student in Paris university, I've discovered the synthetic biology when I've joined "La Paillasse", a biohackspace in Paris. In the same time, I've learned about the existence of the Igem competition, and decided to join the Evry team after some meetings. Indeed, iGEM looks for me as a very good opportunity to work on really interesting subjects in an encouraging work atmosphere, and I've found all this advantages in the Evry team!
5th year, Sup'Biotech Paris
After a BTS in Biotechnology, I went to Sup'Biotech, an engineering school in Biotechnology. For 6 years, I have been studying DNA manipulation, bacteria transformation... but it is only recently that I have heard about Synthetic Biology. It is such a promising and interesting field but requires multidisciplinary skills. I am eager to increase my knowledge to be able to work at the interface of biology and computer science. I discovered iGEM thanks to the 2009 Sup'Biotech team and I have no doubt it will be a great opportunity to learn more, gain experience and hopefully bring a modest contribution to Synthetic Biology.
Modeling team
3rd year, Ecole Centrale Paris
After completing a Master in engineering at École Centrale Paris and a research master in applied mathematics for biology at Paris 6 University, I am to start a PhD thesis on real-time control of biological systems on microfluidics chips. For many years interested in the relation between maths and biology, I discovered synthetic biology in 2011 through its connection to systems biology and immediately got "infected". My expertise being mostly on theoretical aspects, I enrolled in iGEM to get closer to the wetlab and apply my scholar knowledge to real life problems.
5th year, Epita
I am curently in 5th year at the engineering school Epita and
specialized in scientific computations. I am interested in biology
since high school and more especially in the links between biological
systems and my speciality: computer science. After all a cell can be
seen as a kind of computer, as seen in the name "genetic code". I learned about the IGEM comptetition when I discovered the synthetic biology field in an article in Nature a few years ago. Since then I
wanted to participate to the comptetition but never had the
opportunity. I bring to the team my programming and engineering skills and hope to
learn a lot from biologist in the lab.
2nd year, Telecom Sud Paris
In place of my last year of engineering school, Telecom SudParis, I will be doing the mSSB (master in systematic and synthetic biology). I've got useful computer science and maths skills for modeling and making the wiki. I imagine that mixing technologies and life science can lead to exciting inventions and discoveries. The iGEM seemed to me a nice opportunity to get to know the synthetic biology background and interact with students that are interested in it!
Master 2, mSSB, Evry university
I am a civil engineer from Tunisia. My penchant for genetics has started since my first biology lectures in college. However, the first opportunity that I got to go into this field showed up in 2011, when I was admissible to join the ISSB master program. So I left my engineer job and have moved to France. The adventure of iGem looks to me a good step towards my career ambition: invest my mathematics and mechanics background into oncology!!
Human practice
Clément Marquet
Master 2, Philosophy, Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne University
I'm completing a master of philosophy of science at Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne University. I discovered synthetic biology about two years ago in a popular scientific review and was struck by the ambition of the field and the diversity of disciplines involved in it. I was seduced by the special place that laboratories such as Synberc give to social sciences and started thinking about some epistemological questions that could be raised by Feynman’s word on knowing and making or by the convergence of biology and technology. I saw in the iGEM contest an opportunity to discover scientific work from the inside and to experiment how philosophical reflections could get practical and debated inside a scientific group.
Biotic Game
Freelance designer
After a master in bioinformatics and modeling, I started a research project in which I use mathematical models and computer simulations to study vision in Drosophila. At the same time, I'm involved in many different projects that bring in several aspects of design, art and science. I enjoy the self-taught approach of science and technology thus I joined groups of DIY enthusiasts such as La Paillasse with which I participate for the biotic games project. My goal is to find mechanisms that will enable us to involve tadpoles in a gameplay environment for the biotic game project.
Student in Game Design at ISART Digital
I’m a sophomore in Game Design at Isart Digital. I love creating new and original ways to entertain players that’s why I am part of this project. For the first time I’ll be able to think about a game interacting with biology and also work with scientists, which is completely different from our usual way to work.
Student in Game Design at ISART Digital
I am a game developer who loves new ways to play games, especially using the web and portable devices and this is why I currently study at ISART Digital, in Game Design & Programming, a course focused on game development. I love creating games, and I do that as much as I can on my spare time. I also like original experiences which try to add new ways of interacting to objects that usually aren't. It's been a while now that I have been interested in the way we can interact with biology thanks to computer science. That is why I am interested in the biotic game project which is a surprising and exciting way of creating games, and probably a nice opportunity to learn new things. Learning is cool.
Student in Game Design at ISART Digital
After two years in law school, I started to learn computer science during three years with a DUT Informatique and a Licence Informatique. I am currently in a web development company and I study Game Design & Programming at ISART Digital. I want to become a game developer specialized on mobile platform and web plateform. I really enjoy to create games for casual gamers in order to transform them into Harcore gamers.
Group leader of the Synth-Bio team at iSSB
After a PhD in theoretical physics, he was converted to synthetic biology for over 10 years. He gained international recognition in this field. He is now the team director of the Bio-Synth iSSB, working on the design, synthesis and characterization of biological regulatory artificial pathways. He is also one of the main teachers of the mSSB (synthetic and systematic biology master). Alfonso Jaramillo will be our main supervisor. He led Valencia iGEM team in 2006, and participated in the supervision of Valencia's and Paris' teams.
PhD candidate in Jaramillo's Group at iSSB. Co-founder and President of La Paillasse
Ex-student of the Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris, he is now a PhD student at iSSB in Alfonso Jaramillo's Group where he is developing new technologies, using the properties of RNA molecules, for analyzing and controlling cell fate in bacteria. He is also the co-founder and president of the first community lab for biotechnology in France "La Paillasse", affiliated with the DIYbio world movement. In 2007, he was one of the founder and participants of the first french iGEM team that became finalist of the competition and received the first prize for foundational research.
Group leader at Genoscope
After a PhD in genetics and genomics of cyanobacteria at MIT and a post-doc in the team of George Church at Harvard, one of the largest synthetic biology laboratories in the world, he is now a researcher at Genoscope in Evry. His work focuses on the manufacture of biofuels by cyanobacteria. Andrew Tolonen attends the our team in the selection and construction of the project. He participated in the supervision of Harvard iGEM teams during his post-PhD.
Dr. Nicolas Pollet Contact
Group leader of the Metamorphosis team at iSSB
After a PhD in developmental physiology at INSERM, he was a Marie Curie post-doctoral fellow at the German Cancer Research Institute in Heidelberg. He is now a CNRS senior scientist, head of the Metamorphosys group at iSSB working in genomics and systems biology using the Xenopus frog model. Nicolas Pollet will participate to IGEM as supervisor for the first time this year.
Anna MlynarczykDoctoral student in proteomics (first year) at the university of Evry
She obtained a Master in Biotechnology at the University of Technology Westpomeranian of Szczecin in Poland. During her university studies she has conducted several training courses abroad (UEVE, TEPAK Cyprus) and Poland which made her want to do research. Anna also performs the tutoring, which allows her to develop teaching skills.
Student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and member of mSSB
Former member the 2011 iGEM Paris-Bettencourt team who was a finalist and won the prize for best presentation at the European semi-final, then was in the top 16 in the final at MIT. He is now starting a PhD in metabolic engineering at Jean-Loup Faulon's laboratory.
Dr. Aurore THELIE
PostDoc at Dr. Pollet's lab
After a molecular biology training and a PhD in Reproductive Biology at INRA, she was a post-doctoral fellow at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Medicine (IBMM) in Belgium where she discovered the Xenopus model and all opportunity of study it offers. In 2012 she joined the Metamorphosys group at iSSB to study motoneurons and construct Xenopus transgenic lines using synthetic biology tools.