Team:UT Dallas/judging form


Revision as of 02:55, 4 October 2012 by Nehakashyap (Talk | contribs)

Regional Jamboree Americas West

1Team registrationDone
2Complete Judging formDone
3Team WikiDone
4Present a poster and a talk at the iGEM JamboreeWill Do :)
5At least one new submitted and highly-documented standard BioBrick Part or Device. A new application of and outstanding documentation (quantitative data showing the Part’s/ Device’s function) of a previously existing BioBrick part in the “Experience” section of that BioBrick’s Registry entry also counts.BBa_K876001,BBa_K876008 have been submitted and documented.
Silver:In addition to the Bronze Medal requirements..
1Demonstrate that at least one new BioBrick Part or Device of your own design and construction works as expectedBBa_K876001,BBa_K876008 have been demonstrated to work as expected.
2Characterize the operation of at least one new BioBrick Part or Device and enter this information in the “Main Page” section of that Part’s/Device’s Registry entry.BBa_K876001,BBa_K876008 have been characterized.
Gold: In addition to the Bronze and Silver Medal requirements, any one or more of the following:
2Outline and detail a new approach to an issue of Human Practice in synthetic biology as it relates to your project, such as safety, security, ethics, or ownership, sharing, and innovation.In addressing an issue of human practice in synthetic biology we brought to attention the possible threat of garage labs and bio-terrorism.