Team:TU Darmstadt/Labjournal/Metabolism


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Protocols Metabolism


week 1 (14.-18.05.12)


  • Reconstitution of C. testosteroni KF-1 according to DSMZ [ protocol]
  • Cultivation of C. testosteroni KF-1 on agar plates with Medium 1
  • Production of chemically competent E. coli DH5α and E. coli BL21(DE3)pLysS cells

week 2 (21.-25.05.12)


  • Isolation of the gene from C. testosteroni KF-1 genome using colony-PCR
    • Annealing temperature: 49 °C
    • Primer: tphA1-l-F and tphA1-l-R
    • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
    • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
tphA1 0.6


  • Isolation of the gene from C. testosteroni KF-1 genome using colony-PCR
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: tphA3-l-F and tphA3-l-R
    • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
    • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
tphA3 0.1


  • Isolation of the gene from C. testosteroni KF-1 genome using colony-PCR
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: tphB-l-F and tphB-l-R
    • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
    • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
tphB 0.1


Biobrick Concentration [ng/µl]
BBa_K316003 114.9
BBa_J23100 450.2
BBa_B0015 314.1
BBa_J61101 86.1

week 3 (28.05.-01.06.12)


  • Two PCRs were performed to mutate the PstI site in the wild type gene. The primer tphA1-l-PstI(99)-R and tphA1-l-PstI(99)-F respectively introduced a BsaI site
    • tphA1 fragment 1
    • PCR on tphA1 isolated from C. testosteroni
      • Annealing temperature: 69 °C
      • Primer: tphA1-l-PstI(99)-R and tphA1-l-R
    • tphA1 fragment 2
    • PCR on tphA1 isolated from C. testosteroni
      • Annealing temperature: 69 °C
      • Primer: tphA1-l-PstI(99)-F and tphA1-l-F
    • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
    • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
Fragment 1 40.3
Fragment 2 62.1
tphA1 Fragment 1 (left) and tphA1 Fragment 2 (right) after PCR (GeneRuler 100bp Plus DNA Ladder)

  • Both fragments were cut with BsaI in a restriction digest
    • The ligation mix differed from our standard protocol in the following manner
      • 100 ng of fragment 1
      • 200 ng of fragment 2
      • 2 µL of 10x reaction buffer
      • 1 µL of T4 DNA ligase
      • add DI water up to 20 µL
      • incubate for 15 minutes at 37 °C
    • PCR on ligation mix
      • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
      • Primer: tphA1-l-R and tphA1-l-F
    • The PCR product was purified via gel extraction
    • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
Mutated tphA1 86.1

week 4 (04.-08.06.12)


Plamid backbone Concentration [ng/µl]
pSB1C3 42.6
Restriction digest of BBa_K316003 using EcoRI and PstI (1kb DNA ladder, NEB)
Insert Concentration [ng/µl]
xylE-dT 22.2

week 5 (11.-15-06.12)


week 6 (18.-22.06.12)

  • No work progress

week 7 (25.-29.06.12)


  • Funktional testing of BBa_J23100-xylE-dT
    • We inoculated 50 mL LB-medium-ampicilin with 10 µl of the glycerine stock BBa_J23100-xylE-dT
    • After incubation we centrifuged the culture at 4600x g for 10 minutes
    • We resuspended the pellet with the 1000 µL pipette in 3 mL PBS buffer and added PBS to 120 ml
    • We added 2 mL of 0.5 M catechol solution to the cell suspension
    • We observed a colour change colourless to light yellow

week 8 (02.-06.07.12)

  • No work progress

week 9 (09.-13.07.12)


  • Designing primers with prefix and suffix respectively
  • Designing genes (aroY and tphA2 respectivley) according to the biobrick standard for gene synthesis. Gene synthesis was performed by [|17953|geneart||S|b|12191353721 GeneArt®]

week 10 (16.-20.07.12)


  • PCR on mutated tphA1
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: tphA1-Suffix_R and tphA1-l-Prefix
  • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
  • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
Mutated tphA1-prefix/suffix 62.0


  • PCR on tphA3 isolated from C. testosteroni
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: tphA3-Prefix_F and tphA3-Suffix_R
  • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
  • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
tphA3-prefix/suffix 30.5
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
pSB1C3-tphA3-prefix/suffix 79.6


  • PCR on tphB isolated from C. testosteroni
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: tphB-Prefix and tphB-Suffix_R
  • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
  • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
tphB_prefix/suffix 20.3

week 11 (23.-27.07.12)


  • PCR on tphB isolated from C. testosteroni
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: tphB-Prefix and tphB-Suffix_R
  • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
  • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
tphB_prefix/suffix 52.5
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
pSB1C3-tphB-prefix/suffix 35.8

week 12 (30.07.-03.08.12)


  • PCR on mutated tphA1
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: tphA1-Suffix_R and tphA1-l-Prefix
  • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
  • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
Mutated tphA1-prefix/suffix 34.2
Colony PCR of pSB1C3-tphA1; from left to right: Colony 1-11 (BenchTop 1kb DNA ladder between colony 6 and 7 and on the far right)
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
pSB1C3-tphA1 60.5
Test restriciton digest of psB1C3-tphA1 with EcoRI and PstI (GeneRuler 100bp Plus DNA Ladder, Fermentas)
  • Preparation for sequencing
    • Sequence was confirmed

week 13 (06.-10.08.12)


  • Reconstitution of the tphA2 gene synthesis
  • Transformation of the tphA2 gene synthesis
  • Inoculation of 10 mL LB-medium-kanamycin with one colony of the transformation and incubation
  • Miniprep of the culture
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
tphA2 gene synthesis 112.6
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
pSB1C3-tphA2-prefix/suffix 111.1
  • Preparation for sequencing
    • Sequence was confirmed

week 14 (13.-17.08.12)


Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
aroY gene synthesis 63.25


Plamid backbone Concentration [ng/µl]
J61002 42.5

week 15 (20.-24.08.12)


Midiprep Concentration [ng/µl]
pPR-IBA2 127
Plamid backbone Concentration [ng/µl]
pPR-IBA2 35.6

week 16 (27.-31.08.12)

Operon construction


  • PCR on pSB1C3-tphA1
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: RBS-tphA1 and Suffix
  • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
  • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
tphA1 with RBS 33.5
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
J61002-RBS-tphA1 -


  • PCR on pSB1C3-tphA2
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: RBS-tphA2 and Suffix
  • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
  • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
tphA2 with RBS 46.8
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
J61002-RBS-tphA2 -


  • PCR on pSB1C3-tphA3
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: RBS-tphA3 and Suffix
  • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
  • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
tphA3 with RBS 26.5
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
J61002-RBS-tphA3 -


  • PCR on pSB1C3-tphB
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: RBS-tphB and Suffix
  • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
  • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
tphB with RBS 49.2
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
J61002-RBS-tphB -


  • PCR on pSB1C3-aroY
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: RBS-aroY and Suffix
  • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
  • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
aroY with RBS 55.2
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
J61002-RBS-aroY -

Over expression


  • PCR on pSB1C3-tphA1
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: EcoRIGFxa-tphA1 and Suffix
  • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
  • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
tphA1_over-ex 116,2
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]


  • PCR on pSB1C3-tphA2
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: EcoRIGFxa-tphA2 and Suffix
  • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
  • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
tphA2_over-ex 63.9
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
pPR-IBA2-tphA2_over-ex -


  • PCR on pSB1C3-tphA3
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: EcoRIGFxa-tphA3 and Suffix
  • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
  • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
tphA3_over-ex 90.4
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
pPR-IBA2-tphA3_over-ex -


  • PCR on pSB1C3-tphB
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: EcoRIGFxa-tphB and Suffix
  • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
  • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
tphB_over-ex 87.5
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
pPR-IBA2-tphB_over-ex -


  • PCR on pSB1C3-aroY
    • Annealing temperature: 59 °C
    • Primer: EcoRIGFxa-aroY and Suffix
  • Both PCR products were purified via gel extraction
  • Concentrations measured by Nanoprop
PCR product Concentration [ng/µl]
aroY_over-ex 105.1
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
pPR-IBA2-aroY_over-ex -

week 17 (03.-07.09.12)

Operon construction


  • Restriction digest of J61002-RBS-tphA1 by EcoRI and SpeI
  • Purification of insert RBS-tphA1 RBS-tphA1 (cut with EcoRI and SpeI) via gel extraction
Insert Concentration [ng/µl]
RBS-tphA1 (cut with EcoRI and SpeI) 50.2
  • Restriction digest of J61002-RBS-tphA2 EcoRI and XbaI
  • Dephosphorylation of the plasmid backbone J61002-RBS-tphA2 (cut with EcoRI and XbaI)
  • Ligation of the plasmid backbone J61002-RBS-tphA2 (cut with EcoRI and XbaI)and RBS-tphA1 (cut with EcoRI and SpeI)
  • Transformation of the ligation mix
  • Colony-PCR of the transformation for verification
    • The PCR was positive
Colony PCR of J61002-RBS-tphA1-RBS-tphA2; from left to right Colony 1-4 (far right: Lambda DNA/Eco47I (AvaII) Marker, 13, Fermentas)
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
J61002-RBS-tphA1-RBS-tphA2 112.5


  • Restriction digest of J61002-RBS-tphA3 by EcoRI and SpeI
  • Purification of insert RBS-tphA3 (cut with EcoRI and SpeI) via gel extraction
Insert Concentration [ng/µl]
RBS-tphA3 (cut with EcoRI and SpeI) 178.9
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
J61002-RBS-tphA3-RBS-tphB 225.5


Insert Concentration [ng/µl]
RBS-tphA1-RBS-tphA2 (cut with EcoRI and SpeI) 129.5
Restriction digest of of J61002-RBS-tphA1-RBS-tphA2 by EcoRI and SpeI (Lambda DNA/Eco47I (AvaII) Marker, 13, Fermentas)
  • Restriction digest of J61002-RBS-tphA3-RBS-tphB EcoRI and XbaI
  • Dephosphorylation of the plasmid backbone J61002-RBS-tphA3-RBS-tphB (cut with EcoRI and XbaI)
  • Ligation of the plasmid backbone J61002-RBS-tphA3-RBS-tphB EcoRI (cut with EcoRI and XbaI)and RBS-tphA1-RBS-tphA2 (cut with EcoRI and SpeI)
  • Transformation of the ligation mix
  • Colony-PCR of the transformation for verification
    • The PCR was positive
Colony PCR on J61002-RBS-tphA1-RBS-tphA2-RBS-tphA3-RBS-tphB; Colony 1-7 from left to right (Lambda DNA/Eco47I (AvaII) Marker, 13, Fermentas)
Miniprep Concentration [ng/µl]
J61002-RBS-tphA1-RBS-tphA2-RBS-tphA3-RBS-tphB 312.2







SDS-PAGE of tphB overexpression and tphA2 overexpression respectively

  • SDS-Page according to standard protocol
Results of the overexpression tphA2/tphB
Band Sample Time [h]
1 tphB 0
2 tphB 1
3 tphB 2
4 tphB 3
5 tphA2 0
6 tphA2 1
7 tphA2 2
8 tphA2 3
9 Protein Marker-

SDS-PAGE of overexpression from all five genes

  • SDS-Page according to standard protocol
Results of the overexpression aroY/tphA3/tphA1/tphA2/tphB/
Band Sample Time [h]
1 aroY 0
2 aroY 3
3 tphB 0
4 tphB 3
5 Protein Marker -
6 tphA1 0
7 tphA1 3
8 tphA2 0
9 tphA2 3
10 tphA3 0
11 tphA3 3
12 Protein Marker-

week 18 (10.-17.09.12)

Purification of aroY

Fractions of the aroY purfication
Band Sample Fraction
1 aroY 1
2 aroY 2
3 aroY 3 and 4 together
4 aroY 5 and 6 together
5 Protein Marker-

week 19 (17.-21.09.12)





