Team:St Andrews/Human-practices


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         var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
         var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
           ['Year', 'Biobricks'],
           ['Year', 'Biobricks'],

Revision as of 15:38, 3 July 2012

Scientific impact of iGEM

"The most influential Synthetic Biology competition" vs. "let the kids play"


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam luctus tellus a augue tempor eget aliquam felis congue. Pellentesque molestie vulputate egestas. Vestibulum dignissim, neque quis blandit imperdiet, libero neque vehicula odio, in auctor lacus nulla vitae diam. Suspendisse dictum sem eget libero pulvinar hendrerit. Praesent imperdiet convallis neque, et semper odio consectetur vel. Mauris lectus orci, posuere et ultricies nec, sollicitudin sit amet eros. Etiam et ultricies nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum tincidunt, nisi at volutpat rhoncus, est lorem ornare tellus, ut sagittis tortor lacus sed sapien. Mauris hendrerit neque id ante varius gravida. Nulla non turpis in eros viverra pretium vitae vitae neque. Aenean elementum eleifend sapien malesuada luctus.

Etiam faucibus interdum pulvinar. Praesent bibendum turpis sem. Nulla vestibulum ultrices mauris ac malesuada. Maecenas at magna blandit nulla dictum tempor. In pellentesque, massa vel hendrerit volutpat, nisl lectus eleifend erat, sed pulvinar dolor orci eu erat. Integer bibendum mi nec sapien malesuada molestie. Vivamus tincidunt, justo et congue fermentum, est ipsum tristique odio, ac eleifend sem ante ac purus. Sed mattis vulputate leo vel hendrerit. Sed vitae quam neque. Mauris euismod, odio a rutrum ullamcorper, metus nisi pharetra lorem, vitae consectetur nisi magna ultrices diam. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin sit amet placerat diam. Cras scelerisque enim ultricies purus lobortis vitae accumsan nisl malesuada. Phasellus hendrerit, enim id consequat dignissim, augue risus placerat nunc, vitae lobortis ipsum tortor eu velit. Praesent tempus auctor sodales.

Data collection

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam luctus tellus a augue tempor eget aliquam felis congue. Pellentesque molestie vulputate egestas. Vestibulum dignissim, neque quis blandit imperdiet, libero neque vehicula odio, in auctor lacus nulla vitae diam. Suspendisse dictum sem eget libero pulvinar hendrerit. Praesent imperdiet convallis neque, et semper odio consectetur vel. Mauris lectus orci, posuere et ultricies nec, sollicitudin sit amet eros. Etiam et ultricies nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum tincidunt, nisi at volutpat rhoncus, est lorem ornare tellus, ut sagittis tortor lacus sed sapien. Mauris hendrerit neque id ante varius gravida. Nulla non turpis in eros viverra pretium vitae vitae neque. Aenean elementum eleifend sapien malesuada luctus.

Etiam faucibus interdum pulvinar. Praesent bibendum turpis sem. Nulla vestibulum ultrices mauris ac malesuada. Maecenas at magna blandit nulla dictum tempor. In pellentesque, massa vel hendrerit volutpat, nisl lectus eleifend erat, sed pulvinar dolor orci eu erat. Integer bibendum mi nec sapien malesuada molestie. Vivamus tincidunt, justo et congue fermentum, est ipsum tristique odio, ac eleifend sem ante ac purus. Sed mattis vulputate leo vel hendrerit. Sed vitae quam neque. Mauris euismod, odio a rutrum ullamcorper, metus nisi pharetra lorem, vitae consectetur nisi magna ultrices diam. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin sit amet placerat diam. Cras scelerisque enim ultricies purus lobortis vitae accumsan nisl malesuada. Phasellus hendrerit, enim id consequat dignissim, augue risus placerat nunc, vitae lobortis ipsum tortor eu velit. Praesent tempus auctor sodales.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam luctus tellus a augue tempor eget aliquam felis congue. Pellentesque molestie vulputate egestas. Vestibulum dignissim, neque quis blandit imperdiet, libero neque vehicula odio, in auctor lacus nulla vitae diam. Suspendisse dictum sem eget libero pulvinar hendrerit. Praesent imperdiet convallis neque, et semper odio consectetur vel. Mauris lectus orci, posuere et ultricies nec, sollicitudin sit amet eros. Etiam et ultricies nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum tincidunt, nisi at volutpat rhoncus, est lorem ornare tellus, ut sagittis tortor lacus sed sapien. Mauris hendrerit neque id ante varius gravida. Nulla non turpis in eros viverra pretium vitae vitae neque. Aenean elementum eleifend sapien malesuada luctus.

Etiam faucibus interdum pulvinar. Praesent bibendum turpis sem. Nulla vestibulum ultrices mauris ac malesuada. Maecenas at magna blandit nulla dictum tempor. In pellentesque, massa vel hendrerit volutpat, nisl lectus eleifend erat, sed pulvinar dolor orci eu erat. Integer bibendum mi nec sapien malesuada molestie. Vivamus tincidunt, justo et congue fermentum, est ipsum tristique odio, ac eleifend sem ante ac purus. Sed mattis vulputate leo vel hendrerit. Sed vitae quam neque. Mauris euismod, odio a rutrum ullamcorper, metus nisi pharetra lorem, vitae consectetur nisi magna ultrices diam. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin sit amet placerat diam. Cras scelerisque enim ultricies purus lobortis vitae accumsan nisl malesuada. Phasellus hendrerit, enim id consequat dignissim, augue risus placerat nunc, vitae lobortis ipsum tortor eu velit. Praesent tempus auctor sodales.

Authors Title Year Source title Cited by
Boyle P.M.; Burrill D.R.; Inniss M.C.; Agapakis C.M.; Deardon A.; DeWerd J.G.; Gedeon M.A.; Quinn J.Y.; Paull M.L.; Raman A.M.; Theilmann M.R.; Wang L.; Winn J.C.; Medvedik O.; Schellenberg K.; Haynes K.A.; Viel A.; Brenner T.J.; Church G.M.; Shah J.V.; Silver P.A. A BioBrick compatible strategy for genetic modification of plants 2012 Journal of Biological Engineering
Hesselman M.C.; Odoni D.I.; Ryback B.M.; de Groot S.; van Heck R.G.A.; Keijsers J.; Kolkman P.; Nieuwenhuijse D.; van Nuland Y.M.; Sebus E.; Spee R.; de Vries H.; Wapenaar M.T.; Ingham C.J.; Schroen K.; Martins dos Santos V.A.P.; Spaans S.K.; Hugenholtz F.; van Passel M.W.J. A multi-platform flow device for microbial (co-) cultivation and microscopic analysis 2012 PLoS ONE
Materi W. Leading a successful iGEM team 2012 Methods in Molecular Biology
Ho-Shing O.; Lau K.H.; Vernon W.; Eckdahl T.T.; Campbell A.M. Assembly of standardized DNA parts using biobrick ends in E. coli 2012 Methods in Molecular Biology
Giavitto J.-L. The modeling and the simulation of the fluid machines of synthetic biology 2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Muller K.M.; Arndt K.M. Standardization in synthetic biology 2012 Methods in Molecular Biology
Kuldell N. Living machines: Some assembly required: Kit-based competitions challenge teams of students to learn microbiology and design principles in the context of synthetic biology 2012 Microbe
Stewart D.; Wilson-Kanamori J.R. Modular modelling in synthetic biology: Light-based communication in E. coli 2011 Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
Dixon J.; Kuldell N. BioBuilding: Using banana-scented bacteria to teach synthetic biology 2011 Methods in Enzymology 1
Mitchell R.; Dori Y.J.; Kuldell N.H. Experiential Engineering Through iGEM-An Undergraduate Summer Competition in Synthetic Biology 2011 Journal of Science Education and Technology
Dress L. iGEM 2010: Synthetic biologists compete for the future 2010 Industrial Biotechnology
Hafner S. IGEM 2009: Synthethic biology and ethics [Les iGEM 2009 la biologie synth-éthique] 2010 Medecine/Sciences 2
Gu X.; Trybilo M.; Ramsay S.; Jensen M.; Fulton R.; Rosser S.; Gilbert D. Engineering a novel self-powering electrochemical biosensor 2010 Systems and Synthetic Biology
Cai Y.; Wilson M.L.; Peccoud J. GenoCAD for iGEM: A grammatical approach to the design of standard-compliant constructs 2010 Nucleic Acids Research 12
Cooling M.T.; Rouilly V.; Misirli G.; Lawson J.; Yu T.; Hallinan J.; Wipat A. Standard virtual biological parts: A repository of modular modeling components for synthetic biology 2010 Bioinformatics 10
Smolke C.D. Building outside of the box: IGEM and the BioBricks Foundation 2009 Nature Biotechnology 15
Hafner S. iGEM competition 2008; two French teams! [Compétition iGEM 2008: Deux équipes françaises!] 2009 Medecine/Sciences 2
Jerala R. I like iGEM 2009 Scientist
Edwards C. The gene machines 2008 Engineering and Technology
Bikard D.; Kepes F. First French team success during iGEM Synthetic biology competition [Succès de la première équipe française lors de la compétition iGEM de biologie synthétique] 2008 Medecine/Sciences 6
Bachman R. An iGEM of an idea? [2] 2008 Scientist
Kaczkowski P. An iGEM of an idea? [1] 2008 Scientist
Goodman C. Engineering ingenuity at iGEM 2008 Nature Chemical Biology 16
Gallagher R. An iGEM of an idea 2007 Scientist 2
Brown J. The iGEM competition: Building with biology 2007 IET Synthetic Biology 7
Haynes K.A.; Broderick M.L.; Brown A.D.; Butner T.L.; Harden L.; Heard L.; Jessen E.; Malloy K.; Ogden B.; Rosemond S.; Simpson S.; Zwack E.; Campbell A.M.; Eckdahl T.; Heyer L.J.; Poet J.L. Computing with living hardware 2007 IET Synthetic Biology 2
Dabholkar S.; Thattai M. Brainstorming biology 2007 IET Synthetic Biology 1
Brown T.; Chang C.; Heinze B.; Hollinger P.; Kittleson J.; MacDow K.; Reavis D.; Curry J.; Riley M. Development of an inducible three colour bacterial water colour system 2007 IET Synthetic Biology 1
Rodrigo G.; Montagud A.; Aparici A.; Aroca M.C.; Baguena M.; Carrera J.; Edo C.; Fernandez-De-Cordoba P.; Ferrando A.; Fuertes G.; Gimenez D.; Mata C.; Medrano J.V.; Navarrete C.; Navarro E.; Salgado J.; Tortosa P.; Urchueguia J.; Jaramillo A. Vanillin cell sensor 2007 IET Synthetic Biology 1
Quiroz J.N.A.; Flores R.B.; Cisneros T.G.B.; Rosales I.Y.F.; Naranjo A.G.; Sanchez J.C.G.; Jimenez M.E.G.; Padilla R.E.G.; Baena A.J.L.; Hernandez P.A.L.; Padilla P.G.; Miller R.P.; Gaspar I.N.R.; Chico J.C.R.; Martinez A.R.; Romero J.P.; Arzate A.S.; Barradas J.S.A.; Diaz D.A.; Bracho A.B.; Benitez C.; Arteag C.I.F.; Quiroz F.H.; Martinez G.J.; Rabadan J.L.; Salvador M.C.O.; Longoria P.P.; Orozco R.P.; Corona F.R.; Majarrez E.S.; Hassan E.S.; Sanchez C.S.; Saldana U.V.; Segura P.B.Z. Biological implementation of algorithms and unconventional computing 2007 IET Synthetic Biology
King P.; Lavrovsky V.; Von Mammen S.; Jacob C. Teaching bacteria how to dance 2007 IET Synthetic Biology
Badalamenti J.P.; Weiss L.E.; Buckno C.J.; Richard T.L.; Weiss P.S.; Cirino P.C. Synthetic sports: A bacterial relay race 2007 IET Synthetic Biology 1
Lohmueller J.; Neretti N.; Hickey B.; Kaka A.; Gao A.; Lemon J.; Lattanzi V.; Goldstein P.; Tam L.-K.; Schmidt M.; Brodsky A.S.; Haberstroh K.; Morgan J.; Palmore T.; Wessel G.; Jaklenec A.; Urabe H.; Gagnon J.; Cumbers J. Progress toward construction and modelling of a tri-stable toggle switch in E. coli 2007 IET Synthetic Biology 2
Ravi M.; Ngeleka M.; Kim S.-H.; Gyles C.; Berthiaume F.; Mourez M.; Middleton D.; Simko E. Contribution of AIDA-I to the pathogenicity of a porcine diarrheagenic Escherichia coli and to intestinal colonization through biofilm formation in pigs 2007 Veterinary Microbiology 10
Authors Title Year Source title Cited by
Cooling, M. T.; Rouilly, V.; Misirli, G.; Lawson, J.; Yu, T.; Hallinan, J.; Wipat, A. Standard virtual biological parts: a repository of modular modeling components for synthetic biology 2010 BIOINFORMATICS Not collected
Mitchell, Rudolph; Dori, Yehudit Judy; Kuldell, Natalie H. Experiential Engineering Through iGEM-An Undergraduate Summer Competition in Synthetic Biology 2011 JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY Not collected
Haefner, Sophia iGEM competition 2008, two French teams! 2009 M S-MEDECINE SCIENCES Not collected
Bikard, David; Kepes, Francois First French team success during iGEM synthetic biology competition 2008 M S-MEDECINE SCIENCES Not collected
Hafner, Sophia [IGEM 2009: synthetic biology and ethics]. 2010 Medecine sciences : M/S Not collected
Ho-Shing, Olivia; Lau, Kin H; Vernon, William; Eckdahl, Todd T; Campbell, A Malcolm Assembly of standardized DNA parts using BioBrick ends in E. coli. 2012 Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) Not collected
Materi, Wayne Leading a successful iGEM team. 2012 Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) Not collected
Muller, Kristian M; Arndt, Katja M Standardization in synthetic biology. 2012 Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) Not collected
Smolke, Christina D. Building outside of the box: iGEM and the BioBricks Foundation 2009 NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY Not collected
Goodman, Catherine Engineering ingenuity at iGEM 2008 NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY Not collected
Cai, Yizhi; Wilson, Mandy L.; Peccoud, Jean GenoCAD for iGEM: a grammatical approach to the design of standard-compliant constructs 2010 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH Not collected
Hesselman, Matthijn C; Odoni, Dorett I; Ryback, Brendan M; de Groot, Suzette; van Heck, Ruben G A; Keijsers, Jaap; Kolkman, Pim; Nieuwenhuijse, David; van Nuland, Youri M; Sebus, Erik; Spee, Rob; de Vries, Hugo; Wapenaar, Marten T; Ingham, Colin J; Schroen, Karin; Martins Dos Santos, Vitor A P; Spaans, Sebastiaan K; Hugenholtz, Floor; van Passel, Mark W J A multi-platform flow device for microbial (co-) cultivation and microscopic analysis. 2012 PloS one Not collected
Vinson, Valda iGEM 2010 Jamboree 2010 SCIENCE Not collected
Jerala, Roman I like iGEM 2009 SCIENTIST Not collected
Bachman, Robert An iGEM of an idea? 2008 SCIENTIST Not collected
Kaczkowski, Peter An iGEM of an idea? 2008 SCIENTIST Not collected
Gallagher, Richard An iGEM of an Idea - How to get students to go into science 2007 SCIENTIST Not collected
Mueller, Kristian M.; Arndt, Katja M. Standardization in Synthetic Biology 2011 SYNTHETIC GENE NETWORKS: METHODS AND PROTOCOLS Not collected
Gu, X; Trybilo, M; Ramsay, S; Jensen, M; Fulton, R; Rosser, S; Gilbert, D Engineering a novel self-powering electrochemical biosensor. 2010 Systems and synthetic biology Not collected
Authors Title Year Source title Cited by
Anderson, J. Christopher, John Dueber, Mariana Leguia, Gabriel Wu, Jonathan Goler, Adam Arkin, and Jay Keasling. BglBricks: A Flexible Standard for Biological Part Assembly. 2010 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Baumgardner, Jordan, Karen Acker, Oyinade Adefuye, Samuel Crowley, Will DeLoache, James Dickson, Lane Heard, et al. Solving a Hamiltonian Path Problem with a Bacterial Computer. 2009 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Chen, Joanna, Douglas Densmore, Timothy Ham, Jay Keasling, and Nathan Hillson. DeviceEditor Visual Biological CAD Canvas. 2012 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Hatch, Alex. Four Suggestions for Addressing Public Concern Regarding Synthetic Biology 2010 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Haynes, Karmella, Marian Broderick, Adam Brown, Trevor Butner, James Dickson, W. Lance Harden, Lane Heard, et al. Engineering Bacteria to Solve the Burnt Pancake Problem. 2008 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Kelly, Jason, Adam Rubin, Joseph Davis, Caroline Ajo-Franklin, John Cumbers, Michael Czar, Kim de Mora, Aaron Glieberman, Dileep Monie, and Drew Endy. Measuring the Activity of BioBrick Promoters Using an in Vivo Reference Standard. 2009 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Kuldell, Natalie. Authentic Teaching and Learning Through Synthetic Biology. 2007 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Norville, Julie, Ratmir Derda, Saurabh Gupta, Kelly Drinkwater, Angela Belcher, Andres Leschziner, and Thomas Knight. Introduction of Customized Inserts for Streamlined Assembly and Optimization of BioBrick Synthetic Genetic Circuits. 2010 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Pasotti, Lorenzo, Susanna Zucca, Manuel Lupotto, Maria Cusella De Angelis, and Paolo Magni. Characterization of a Synthetic Bacterial Self-destruction Device for Programmed Cell Death and for Recombinant Proteins Release. 2011 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Pearson, Brianna, Sam Snell, Kyri Bye-Nagel, Scott Tonidandel, Laurie Heyer, and A. Malcolm Campbell. Word Selection Affects Perceptions of Synthetic Biology. 2011 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Shetty, Reshma, Drew Endy, and Thomas Knight. Engineering BioBrick Vectors from BioBrick Parts. 2008 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Speer, Michael, and Tom Richard. Amplified Insert Assembly: An Optimized Approach to Standard Assembly of BioBrickTM Genetic Circuits. 2011 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Authors Title Year Source title Cited by
J. Brown The iGEM competition: building with biology 2007 IET Synthetic Biology No data
P. King Teaching bacteria how to dance 2007 IET Synthetic Biology No data
J.P. Badalamenti Synthetic sports: a bacterial relay race 2007 IET Synthetic Biology No data
S. Dabholkar Brainstorming biology 2007 IET Synthetic Biology No data
T. Brown Development of an inducible three colour bacterial water colour system 2007 IET Synthetic Biology No data
J. Lohmueller Progress toward construction and modelling of a tri-stable toggle switch in E. coli 2007 IET Synthetic Biology No data
K.A. Haynes Computing with living hardware 2007 IET Synthetic Biology No data
J.N. Argota Quiróz Biological implementation of algorithms and unconventional computing 2007 IET Synthetic Biology No data
G. Rodrigo Vanillin cell sensor 2007 IET Synthetic Biology No data
Authors Title Year Source title Cited by
Kuldell, Natalie. Authentic Teaching and Learning Through Synthetic Biology. 2007 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Haynes, Karmella, Marian Broderick, Adam Brown, Trevor Butner, James Dickson, W. Lance Harden, Lane Heard, et al. Engineering Bacteria to Solve the Burnt Pancake Problem. 2008 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Shetty, Reshma, Drew Endy, and Thomas Knight. Engineering BioBrick Vectors from BioBrick Parts. 2008 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Baumgardner, Jordan, Karen Acker, Oyinade Adefuye, Samuel Crowley, Will DeLoache, James Dickson, Lane Heard, et al. Solving a Hamiltonian Path Problem with a Bacterial Computer. 2009 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Kelly, Jason, Adam Rubin, Joseph Davis, Caroline Ajo-Franklin, John Cumbers, Michael Czar, Kim de Mora, Aaron Glieberman, Dileep Monie, and Drew Endy. Measuring the Activity of BioBrick Promoters Using an in Vivo Reference Standard. 2009 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Anderson, J. Christopher, John Dueber, Mariana Leguia, Gabriel Wu, Jonathan Goler, Adam Arkin, and Jay Keasling. BglBricks: A Flexible Standard for Biological Part Assembly. 2010 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Hatch, Alex. Four Suggestions for Addressing Public Concern Regarding Synthetic Biology 2010 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Norville, Julie, Ratmir Derda, Saurabh Gupta, Kelly Drinkwater, Angela Belcher, Andres Leschziner, and Thomas Knight. Introduction of Customized Inserts for Streamlined Assembly and Optimization of BioBrick Synthetic Genetic Circuits. 2010 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Pasotti, Lorenzo, Susanna Zucca, Manuel Lupotto, Maria Cusella De Angelis, and Paolo Magni. Characterization of a Synthetic Bacterial Self-destruction Device for Programmed Cell Death and for Recombinant Proteins Release. 2011 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Pearson, Brianna, Sam Snell, Kyri Bye-Nagel, Scott Tonidandel, Laurie Heyer, and A. Malcolm Campbell. Word Selection Affects Perceptions of Synthetic Biology. 2011 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Speer, Michael, and Tom Richard. Amplified Insert Assembly: An Optimized Approach to Standard Assembly of BioBrickTM Genetic Circuits. 2011 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Chen, Joanna, Douglas Densmore, Timothy Ham, Jay Keasling, and Nathan Hillson. DeviceEditor Visual Biological CAD Canvas. 2012 Journal of Biological Engineering No data
Vinson, Valda iGEM 2010 Jamboree 2010 SCIENCE Not collected
Goodman C. Engineering ingenuity at iGEM 2008 Nature Chemical Biology 16
Smolke C.D. Building outside of the box: IGEM and the BioBricks Foundation 2009 Nature Biotechnology 15
Cai Y., Wilson M.L., Peccoud J. GenoCAD for iGEM: A grammatical approach to the design of standard-compliant constructs 2010 Nucleic Acids Research 12
Ravi M., Ngeleka M., Kim S.-H., Gyles C., Berthiaume F., Mourez M., Middleton D., Simko E. Contribution of AIDA-I to the pathogenicity of a porcine diarrheagenic Escherichia coli and to intestinal colonization through biofilm formation in pigs 2007 Veterinary Microbiology 10
Cooling M.T., Rouilly V., Misirli G., Lawson J., Yu T., Hallinan J., Wipat A. Standard virtual biological parts: A repository of modular modeling components for synthetic biology 2010 Bioinformatics 10
Brown J. The iGEM competition: Building with biology 2007 IET Synthetic Biology 7
Bikard D., Kepes F. First French team success during iGEM Synthetic biology competition [Succès de la première équipe française lors de la compétition iGEM de biologie synthétique] 2008 Medecine/Sciences 6
Gallagher R. An iGEM of an idea 2007 Scientist 2
Haynes K.A., Broderick M.L., Brown A.D., Butner T.L., Harden L., Heard L., Jessen E., Malloy K., Ogden B., Rosemond S., Simpson S., Zwack E., Campbell A.M., Eckdahl T., Heyer L.J., Poet J.L. Computing with living hardware 2007 IET Synthetic Biology 2
Lohmueller J., Neretti N., Hickey B., Kaka A., Gao A., Lemon J., Lattanzi V., Goldstein P., Tam L.-K., Schmidt M., Brodsky A.S., Haberstroh K., Morgan J., Palmore T., Wessel G., Jaklenec A., Urabe H., Gagnon J., Cumbers J. Progress toward construction and modelling of a tri-stable toggle switch in E. coli 2007 IET Synthetic Biology 2
Hafner S. iGEM competition 2008, two French teams! [Compétition iGEM 2008: Deux équipes françaises!] 2009 Medecine/Sciences 2
Hafner S. IGEM 2009: Synthethic biology and ethics [Les iGEM 2009 la biologie synth-éthique] 2010 Medecine/Sciences 2
Dabholkar S., Thattai M. Brainstorming biology 2007 IET Synthetic Biology 1
Brown T., Chang C., Heinze B., Hollinger P., Kittleson J., MacDow K., Reavis D., Curry J., Riley M. Development of an inducible three colour bacterial water colour system 2007 IET Synthetic Biology 1
Rodrigo G., Montagud A., Aparici A., Aroca M.C., Baguena M., Carrera J., Edo C., Fernandez-De-Cordoba P., Ferrando A., Fuertes G., Gimenez D., Mata C., Medrano J.V., Navarrete C., Navarro E., Salgado J., Tortosa P., Urchueguia J., Jaramillo A. Vanillin cell sensor 2007 IET Synthetic Biology 1
Badalamenti J.P., Weiss L.E., Buckno C.J., Richard T.L., Weiss P.S., Cirino P.C. Synthetic sports: A bacterial relay race 2007 IET Synthetic Biology 1
Dixon J., Kuldell N. BioBuilding: Using banana-scented bacteria to teach synthetic biology 2011 Methods in Enzymology 1
Quiroz J.N.A., Flores R.B., Cisneros T.G.B., Rosales I.Y.F., Naranjo A.G., Sanchez J.C.G., Jimenez M.E.G., Padilla R.E.G., Baena A.J.L., Hernandez P.A.L., Padilla P.G., Miller R.P., Gaspar I.N.R., Chico J.C.R., Martinez A.R., Romero J.P., Arzate A.S., Barradas J.S.A., Diaz D.A., Bracho A.B., Benitez C., Arteag C.I.F., Quiroz F.H., Martinez G.J., Rabadan J.L., Salvador M.C.O., Longoria P.P., Orozco R.P., Corona F.R., Majarrez E.S., Hassan E.S., Sanchez C.S., Saldana U.V., Segura P.B.Z. Biological implementation of algorithms and unconventional computing 2007 IET Synthetic Biology 0
King P., Lavrovsky V., Von Mammen S., Jacob C. Teaching bacteria how to dance 2007 IET Synthetic Biology 0
Edwards C. The gene machines 2008 Engineering and Technology 0
Bachman R. An iGEM of an idea? [2] 2008 Scientist 0
Kaczkowski P. An iGEM of an idea? [1] 2008 Scientist 0
Jerala R. I like iGEM 2009 Scientist 0
Dress L. iGEM 2010: Synthetic biologists compete for the future 2010 Industrial Biotechnology 0
Gu X., Trybilo M., Ramsay S., Jensen M., Fulton R., Rosser S., Gilbert D. Engineering a novel self-powering electrochemical biosensor 2010 Systems and Synthetic Biology 0
Stewart D., Wilson-Kanamori J.R. Modular modelling in synthetic biology: Light-based communication in E. coli 2011 Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 0
Mitchell R., Dori Y.J., Kuldell N.H. Experiential Engineering Through iGEM-An Undergraduate Summer Competition in Synthetic Biology 2011 Journal of Science Education and Technology 0
Boyle P.M., Burrill D.R., Inniss M.C., Agapakis C.M., Deardon A., DeWerd J.G., Gedeon M.A., Quinn J.Y., Paull M.L., Raman A.M., Theilmann M.R., Wang L., Winn J.C., Medvedik O., Schellenberg K., Haynes K.A., Viel A., Brenner T.J., Church G.M., Shah J.V., Silver P.A. A BioBrick compatible strategy for genetic modification of plants 2012 Journal of Biological Engineering 0
Hesselman M.C., Odoni D.I., Ryback B.M., de Groot S., van Heck R.G.A., Keijsers J., Kolkman P., Nieuwenhuijse D., van Nuland Y.M., Sebus E., Spee R., de Vries H., Wapenaar M.T., Ingham C.J., Schroen K., Martins dos Santos V.A.P., Spaans S.K., Hugenholtz F., van Passel M.W.J. A multi-platform flow device for microbial (co-) cultivation and microscopic analysis 2012 PLoS ONE 0
Materi W. Leading a successful iGEM team 2012 Methods in Molecular Biology 0
Ho-Shing O., Lau K.H., Vernon W., Eckdahl T.T., Campbell A.M. Assembly of standardized DNA parts using biobrick ends in E. coli 2012 Methods in Molecular Biology 0
Giavitto J.-L. The modeling and the simulation of the fluid machines of synthetic biology 2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 0
Muller K.M., Arndt K.M. Standardization in synthetic biology 2012 Methods in Molecular Biology 0
Kuldell N. Living machines: Some assembly required: Kit-based competitions challenge teams of students to learn microbiology and design principles in the context of synthetic biology 2012 Microbe 0

Data analysis


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University of St Andrews, 2012.

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This iGEM team has been funded by the MSD Scottish Life Sciences Fund. The opinions expressed by this iGEM team are those of the team members and do not necessarily represent those of Merck Sharp & Dohme Limited, nor its Affiliates.