Team:St Andrews


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(Justifying metal binding project with some background)
(Omega 3 text.)
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                 <h1>ω−3 fatty acids synthesis</h1>
                 <h1>ω−3 fatty acids synthesis</h1>
                 <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed facilisis blandit felis, volutpat accumsan enim auctor sed. Donec hendrerit felis tortor, vel commodo tortor. Morbi eget aliquet neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer et mi vitae dolor tincidunt blandit in in orci. Quisque non orci urna. Pellentesque vel justo tempor nisi mattis blandit. Nullam arcu leo, tristique ac porttitor eu, vestibulum sed purus. Donec aliquet volutpat nunc. In non diam purus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis vitae massa lacinia sem dapibus facilisis. Integer eget dui sem, sed sodales nibh.</p>
                 <p>Omega-3 fatty acids are a chemical essential for human health. Fish are overwhelmingly the most efficient source of omega-3 fatty acids. However, the world's oceans are severely overexploited [TODO CITE!]. An alternative good source of omega-3 fatty acids would help alleviate this problem of overfishing.
</p><p>We investigate the feasibility of genetically engineering the biological omega-3 synthesis pathway into bacteria. Thanks to the universality of genetic code, the knowledge we gain can also be applied to enable other organisms to produce this essential but scarce nutrient.
                 <p><a class="btn btn-large">Learn more</a></p>
                 <p><a class="btn btn-large">Learn more</a></p>

Revision as of 13:34, 21 June 2012

StA iGEM Wiki 2012 - Home

St Andrews iGEM 2012

University of St Andrews team for the 2012 International Genetically Engineered Machine competition

University of St Andrews coat of arms

Metal binding protein

Precious metals are used in the manufacture of many modern products (laptops, headphones, even toasters), but their scarcity has lead to increased prices and in extreme cases, even polical conflict. [TODO CITE!]

A major reason for the impending shortage is the lack of recycling of these metals. It may be surprising to hear, for example, that some platinum used in minimal amounts in the manufacture of car tyres ends up in road dust. No attempts have been made to reclaim it from these unusual deposits. We envision microscopic engineered bacteria that reclaim microscopic fragments of metals that would otherwise be wasted.

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ω−3 fatty acids synthesis

Omega-3 fatty acids are a chemical essential for human health. Fish are overwhelmingly the most efficient source of omega-3 fatty acids. However, the world's oceans are severely overexploited [TODO CITE!]. An alternative good source of omega-3 fatty acids would help alleviate this problem of overfishing.

We investigate the feasibility of genetically engineering the biological omega-3 synthesis pathway into bacteria. Thanks to the universality of genetic code, the knowledge we gain can also be applied to enable other organisms to produce this essential but scarce nutrient.

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Scientific impact of iGEM

Ut nec nisi vitae dolor molestie mollis. Duis ultricies purus eget velit mollis hendrerit. Nam sit amet mi eros. Integer sagittis, tellus ut posuere ornare, urna nibh placerat ante, sit amet mollis velit est et nisl. Mauris vitae sagittis tortor. Donec semper, enim ut facilisis pretium, tortor erat eleifend nulla, nec dapibus diam erat at leo. Cras vestibulum enim sed justo bibendum mattis. Nam odio felis, vulputate eget ultrices vel, congue eu justo. Morbi semper est a tortor lobortis ut pulvinar dui semper. Fusce accumsan lectus feugiat purus lacinia sed pellentesque orci adipiscing.

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Modeling ω−3 depletion scenarios

Ut nec nisi vitae dolor molestie mollis. Duis ultricies purus eget velit mollis hendrerit. Nam sit amet mi eros. Integer sagittis, tellus ut posuere ornare, urna nibh placerat ante, sit amet mollis velit est et nisl. Mauris vitae sagittis tortor. Donec semper, enim ut facilisis pretium, tortor erat eleifend nulla, nec dapibus diam erat at leo. Cras vestibulum enim sed justo bibendum mattis. Nam odio felis, vulputate eget ultrices vel, congue eu justo. Morbi semper est a tortor lobortis ut pulvinar dui semper. Fusce accumsan lectus feugiat purus lacinia sed pellentesque orci adipiscing.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In lobortis elit facilisis odio egestas dictum. Donec sed orci quis nibh suscipit aliquam. Mauris a risus nisl. Ut vel lorem mauris. Integer et arcu ut tellus cursus rhoncus at sed lorem. Phasellus imperdiet, est quis sagittis laoreet, eros ante tristique magna, sed auctor lorem quam et lectus. Quisque ac sem sit amet nisl consectetur iaculis.

Human practices

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In lobortis elit facilisis odio egestas dictum. Donec sed orci quis nibh suscipit aliquam. Mauris a risus nisl. Ut vel lorem mauris. Integer et arcu ut tellus cursus rhoncus at sed lorem. Phasellus imperdiet, est quis sagittis laoreet, eros ante tristique magna, sed auctor lorem quam et lectus. Quisque ac sem sit amet nisl consectetur iaculis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In lobortis elit facilisis odio egestas dictum. Donec sed orci quis nibh suscipit aliquam. Mauris a risus nisl. Ut vel lorem mauris. Integer et arcu ut tellus cursus rhoncus at sed lorem. Phasellus imperdiet, est quis sagittis laoreet, eros ante tristique magna, sed auctor lorem quam et lectus. Quisque ac sem sit amet nisl consectetur iaculis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In lobortis elit facilisis odio egestas dictum. Donec sed orci quis nibh suscipit aliquam. Mauris a risus nisl. Ut vel lorem mauris. Integer et arcu ut tellus cursus rhoncus at sed lorem. Phasellus imperdiet, est quis sagittis laoreet, eros ante tristique magna, sed auctor lorem quam et lectus. Quisque ac sem sit amet nisl consectetur iaculis.



The International Genetically Engineered Machine competition (iGEM) is the premiere undergraduate Synthetic Biology competition. Student teams are given a kit of biological parts at the beginning of the summer from the Registry of Standard Biological Parts. Working at their own schools over the summer, they use these parts and new parts of their own design to build biological systems and operate them in living cells. This project design and competition format is an exceptionally motivating and effective teaching method.

