Team:TU Munich/Human Practice/Public


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We had a radiointerview with the radiostation M94,5 about iGEM and our project. Here is a picture from the three of us in the studio. We were interviewed for Kortex, that is the science magazine of the radio station. If you can understand german you can listen to the interview here:
[[File:TUM_Radiointerview.jpg|400px|thumb|right|Nadine Gerstenberg, David Wehner and Fabian Fröhlich at the studio]]
= Online appearance =
= Online appearance =

Revision as of 17:04, 19 September 2012


Media interaction


We found one big Media partner: Laborwelt.der which gave us the opportunity to post each week on their Facebookaccount to reach more people. All in all we posted on their site more than 10 posts, to keep the readers up to date. We reported on our progress in the lab, but also non our events in the human practice area. [1] Laborwelt is a magazine that focusses on the Life-Sciences, and there especially on the new sceíentific methods. In the print version it is published every 3 months with a run of 20000. We published our short articles on their facebook page where they have almost 1000 likes.

At the beginning we were mentioned on, which belongs directly to the Süddeutsche Zeitung. They have mothly more than 400,000 usuers and 1,000,000 visitors, therefore it is the bigest online youth magazine in Germany. The article is here []we are on page 4. This article describes projects from young scientists. The page about us is calles The "Miracle"Yeast. Then ir describes who we are and what we are up to. We are the only iGEM- Team mentioned in this article.

The page reported in the course of the Action Day on all iGEM Teams. [,did=153792.html?listBlId=74462] and had one page for each of them alone. This is ours: [,did=153818.html]. belongs to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Online appearance

Most of our publicy was made on the Internet, mainly Facebook. The reachout of this media is lager than any other and so we used for contactin a large public. During our main working time in August we had over 9000 people who were reached through our posts. Besides that we had our Homepage as first information source. Completed was this by our blog, were we had around 1000 page views in 4 months.


We had a Facebook page [2] were we had 87 likes. In oue best week (20th to 26th August) we reached 9046 people with our account. On the picture you can see a screenshot from our Admin-page where these facts are put together. Blue are the people we reached, green the people how talked about in and purple are our posts.



Besides that we had a blog [] . The statistics from this site are put together in this statstic, again a screenshot from the page

Statistic page from our blog

Report on our Panel discussion



Our homepage informs about all main aspects and shows the links to our information "channels" []

