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<h2 style="width: 450px;"><span>We will be cleaning to save the World.</span> <span>One statue at a time.</span></h2>
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<h2 class="tk-chippewa-falls">Hi, we're the UniTN 2012 iGEM team!</h2>
<p>Our project will be about statues and momuments. Here in Italy there are lots of them, magnificent and important. The problem is, with the modern society going on and everything, they get all ugly. Black ugly. We want to solve that. Ah, and protect them for the future, too.</p>
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<p>You know what the cool thing is? We'll engineer bacteria just to do that!</p>
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<p>Save the cheerleader, save the World. But we're working with statues! Whatever..</p>
      <h1><a href="" style="font-family: 'Bree Serif';"><span>i</span>GEM Trento 2012</a></h1>
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<h2 style="text-align: center;">Saving the World, one statue at a time</h2>
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<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 25px;">
<h2 style="margin-bottom: -5px;">Our Project was selected among the Best 16 of the World Championship!</h2>
<p>Our project had been awarded with a Gold Medal in Amsterdam and was among the "Sweet 16 High Scorers" in Boston! We're really proud and excited about it!</p>
<div class="two" style="width: 48%;">
<h3>Project Codename: Crust Away</h3>
<p>Statues and monuments all over the world are not enjoyed to the extent that they should be because they are covered in a disfiguring black crust, which consists mainly of CaSO<sub>4</sub>. <br />
A practical solution would be if a cheap mechanism was available to continually remove the pollutant molecules that adhere to the surface of statues. To build such a system, we are engineering an aerobic sulfur reducing pathway in <i><i>E. coli</i></i> to dissolve the disfiguring black crust.</p>
<span class="more"><a href="">Read More <span class="arrow">&rarr;</span></a></span>
<div class="two" style="margin-right: 0; width: 48%;">
<h3>Project Codename: Terminator 5</h3>
<p>Surprisingly little standardization of T7 phage derived parts has occurred, despite the prevalence of T7 parts in recombinant technologies.
Also, the compatibility between T7 and <i>E. coli</i> derived parts has not been explored.
To better understand the compatibility of the two systems and to begin to better characterize T7 biological parts, we are measuring the termination efficiencies of T7 and <i>E. coli</i> transcriptional terminators with <i>E. coli</i> and T7 RNA polymerases. </p>
<span class="more"><a href="">Read More <span class="arrow">&rarr;</span></a></span>
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<h3>MEET THE TEAM</h3>
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<h3 style="text-align: center;">ACHIEVEMENTS</h3>
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<li>&#10004;&nbsp;&nbsp; Submitted 21 Parts to the Registry</li>
<li>&#10004;&nbsp;&nbsp; Improved 2 existing Parts</li>
<div class="three" style="width: 31%;">
<li>&#10004;&nbsp;&nbsp; Fully characterized 15 Parts</li>
<li>&#10004;&nbsp;&nbsp; Participated at the Researcher's Night</li>
<li>&#10004;&nbsp;&nbsp; Compiled an SRB Safety Handbook</li>
<div class="three" style="width: 32%;">
<li>&#10004;&nbsp;&nbsp; Applied our aerobic sulfate reduction pathway on statues</li>
<li>&#10004;&nbsp;&nbsp; Built a device to recreate black crust</li>
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<h3>Contact us by <a href="">email</a></h3>
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<p>Our awesome project, of which we haven't written a proper description yet. So you get this pointless sequence of words.I need to add more so this space gets filled.</p>
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<p>Our daily mumbling. The Journal is not ready yet, but we have a blog with our impressions. Also, check out our <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook page</a>! </p>
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<p>Design by Jason Fontana. Powered by <a href="">MediaWiki</a>. This website is under the <a href="">CC Attribution licence</a>.<!-- | <span class="toggle">Toggle controls</span>--></p>
<p>We have some photos and 4 Jason as of right now, since most team member haven't provided they're description yet. <br /> We're pretty cool, so stop by.</p>
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Latest revision as of 13:18, 19 April 2013

iGEM Trento

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Saving the World, one statue at a time

Our Project was selected among the Best 16 of the World Championship!

Our project had been awarded with a Gold Medal in Amsterdam and was among the "Sweet 16 High Scorers" in Boston! We're really proud and excited about it!

Project Codename: Crust Away

Statues and monuments all over the world are not enjoyed to the extent that they should be because they are covered in a disfiguring black crust, which consists mainly of CaSO4.
A practical solution would be if a cheap mechanism was available to continually remove the pollutant molecules that adhere to the surface of statues. To build such a system, we are engineering an aerobic sulfur reducing pathway in E. coli to dissolve the disfiguring black crust.

Read More

Project Codename: Terminator 5

Surprisingly little standardization of T7 phage derived parts has occurred, despite the prevalence of T7 parts in recombinant technologies. Also, the compatibility between T7 and E. coli derived parts has not been explored. To better understand the compatibility of the two systems and to begin to better characterize T7 biological parts, we are measuring the termination efficiencies of T7 and E. coli transcriptional terminators with E. coli and T7 RNA polymerases.

Read More



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