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<h2 style="text-align: center;">Selection was made using Ampicillin</h2>
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<p style="width: 90%; margin: 0 auto 25ox;">We are six students attending the bachelor course in Biomolecular Sciences and Technologies at University of Trento. 
Although it could seem a small team composed of students of the same background, our interests space widely from literature and music, web-design, climbing and parties. <br />
We were not alone in this amazing experience, though. We were sustained by a rich group of people who helped us in very different situations.</p>
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<div class="membermemberDescriptionription">
<p>A fundamental member of our group from two points of view: the CysE project and our website. He gathered all the information about this aerobic sulfur-reducing pathway we developed and had an important role in its realization. He is also opening his way in the web-designers' world with great results, as stated by our website. It has been quite a challenge to take him to our trips into the external world (that were mainly barbecues).</p>
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<p>Francesco Guzzonato is his second name, as the first is Mr.Guzz. He is the noble member of the group both for lineage and class. He cloned and characterized all the LacI-related parts and demonstrated his value taking on thousands of 8-hours-growth curves experiments in the shortest time.
He's talented in writing short stories and also has a secret passion for performing his sexy dance.</a>.</p>
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<p>Daniele Rossetto has always something to say. Embarrassing silence? You're sure he's not in the room! <br /> He cloned and characterized the araC-pBAD promoter and took part in the design of all our constructs, but his role in these months was also to keep high the troupe's morale, spreading his optimism in any moment. Interests? Neurobiology and beer.</p>
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<p>She's the main developer of the CysDes subproject. When necessary, no pause, weekend or lunchtime will stop her work. Despite that, she loves the sea and the sun (more than once she tempted us with holiday dreams) but what she loves most (don't tell her boyfriend) is her bass guitar, which she plays greatly.</p>
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<div class="membermemberDescriptionription">
<p>This is the first Terminator5 developer. He really likes talking with everyone about things that are important to him and he is often so much involved into the talking to appear a bit rude.<br />
"Come at me Bro." ///////////////</p>
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<img src="" alt="" />
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<p>Last but not least, the second gentle sex' representative. Harp and head in the clouds, said everything/all. She's the second Terminator5 member. ///////////////</p>
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<p>Jason Fontana is a Scienze e Tecnologie Biomolecolari student in Trento. He is a blogger, self-made web designer and a sort of IT consultant.
He writes and mostly links about technology at <a href=""></a>, writes in 140 characters at Twitter (<a href="">@jasonfweb</a>) and is on <a href="">Facebook</a> too.</p>
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<div class="memberDescription">
<p>Francesco Guzzonato is a Scienze e Tecnologie Biomolecolari student in Trento. He is a wannabe writer, with little effort and decent achievements - top 25 in Campiello Giovani 2009. Probably you could read his works somewhere online, but he doesn't remember where he posted them. You can find him on <a href="">Facebook</a> or <a href="">email him</a>.</p>
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<p>Daniele Rossetto is a Scienze e Tecnologie Biomolecolari student in Trento. He is a science enthusiast and an incurable optimist. He loves letting his mind flow and talking about the craziest things and situations, you better stop listen and run when you hear the words "and what about..." or be involved in some odd idea! Daniele is eager to know new people so contact him on <a href="">Facebook</a> or by <a href="">email</a>.</p>
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<div class="memberDescription">
<p>Andrea Tassinari is a Scienze e Tecnologie Biomolecolari student in Trento. Sometimes she is a chess player, sometimes sort of A bass player. She loves warm places: sooner or later you will find her on a lonely island, sole with the sound of her Musicman. God save the funk. We also take care of statues, of course.</p>
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<p>Giacomo Giacomelli is a Scienze e Tecnologie Biomolecolari student in Trento. He really likes talking with everyone about things that are important to him and he is often so much involved into the talking to appear a bit rude.<br /> If you want to argue about something or just to contact him you can find him on <a href="">Facebook</a> or by <a href="">email</a>. Come at me Bro.</p>
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<p>Anna Depetris is a Scienze e Tecnologie Biomolecolari student in Trento. She likes music and nature, but she studies too much. She likes arguing too, and probably she is shouting with Giaco now.
You can contact her by <a href="">email</a>, at your risk.</p>
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Latest revision as of 17:09, 30 November 2012


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Selection was made using Ampicillin

We are six students attending the bachelor course in Biomolecular Sciences and Technologies at University of Trento. Although it could seem a small team composed of students of the same background, our interests space widely from literature and music, web-design, climbing and parties.
We were not alone in this amazing experience, though. We were sustained by a rich group of people who helped us in very different situations.


Jason Fontana is a Scienze e Tecnologie Biomolecolari student in Trento. He is a blogger, self-made web designer and a sort of IT consultant. He writes and mostly links about technology at, writes in 140 characters at Twitter (@jasonfweb) and is on Facebook too.


Francesco Guzzonato is a Scienze e Tecnologie Biomolecolari student in Trento. He is a wannabe writer, with little effort and decent achievements - top 25 in Campiello Giovani 2009. Probably you could read his works somewhere online, but he doesn't remember where he posted them. You can find him on Facebook or email him.


Daniele Rossetto is a Scienze e Tecnologie Biomolecolari student in Trento. He is a science enthusiast and an incurable optimist. He loves letting his mind flow and talking about the craziest things and situations, you better stop listen and run when you hear the words "and what about..." or be involved in some odd idea! Daniele is eager to know new people so contact him on Facebook or by email.


Andrea Tassinari is a Scienze e Tecnologie Biomolecolari student in Trento. Sometimes she is a chess player, sometimes sort of A bass player. She loves warm places: sooner or later you will find her on a lonely island, sole with the sound of her Musicman. God save the funk. We also take care of statues, of course.


Giacomo Giacomelli is a Scienze e Tecnologie Biomolecolari student in Trento. He really likes talking with everyone about things that are important to him and he is often so much involved into the talking to appear a bit rude.
If you want to argue about something or just to contact him you can find him on Facebook or by email. Come at me Bro.


Anna Depetris is a Scienze e Tecnologie Biomolecolari student in Trento. She likes music and nature, but she studies too much. She likes arguing too, and probably she is shouting with Giaco now. You can contact her by email, at your risk.