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As part of our human practices project we are writing a science-fiction blog inspired by technological advances in the world of synthetic biology. We're still working on the layout. You can also view the posts on <a href="">blogspot</a>. The blog is written from the perspectives of different people in the world of synthetic biology where the petri dish is half full or half empty.
<a href="#question1">
Question 1.<br />
<ul class="sub-navigation">
<li><p>Would any of your project ideas raise safety issues in terms of:</p></li>
<li><p class="indented">researcher safety,</p></li>
<li><p class="indented">public safety, or</p></li>
<li><p class="indented">environmental safety?</p></li>
<a href="#question2">
Question 2.<br />
<ul class="sub-navigation">
<li><p>Do any of the new BioBrick parts (or devices) that you made this year raise any safety issues? If yes,</p></li>
<li><p class="indented">did you document these issues in the Registry?</p></li>
<li><p class="indented">how did you manage to handle the safety issue?</p></li>
<li><p class="indented">How could other teams learn from your experience?</p></li>
<a href="#question3">
Question 3.<br />
<ul class="sub-navigation">
<li><p>Is there a local biosafety group, committee, or review board at your institution?</p></li>
<li><p class="indented">If yes, what does your local biosafety group think about your project?</p></li>
<li><p class="indented">If no, which specific biosafety rules or guidelines do you have to consider in your country?</p></li>
<a href="#question4">
Question 4.<br />
<ul class="sub-navigation">
<li><p>Do you have any other ideas how to deal with safety issues that could be useful for future iGEM competitions? How could parts, devices and systems be made even safer through biosafety engineering?</p></li>
</div><!-- /page-navigation -->
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This page contains EdiGEM's answers to the <a href="">Safety Questions</a>.
<p class="h2">
<a name="question1">1. Would any of your project ideas raise safety issues in terms of: researcher safety, public safety, or environmental safety? </a>
<p class="normal-text">
<b>Researcher safety:</b>
Escherichia coli JM109 is a widely used host strain with disabling mutations which is incapable of colonizing the human intestine, its natural habitat. The same is true of other similar E. coli strains which may be used. Citrobacter freundii is a close relative of E. coli which is not normally associated with human disease in healthy subjects, and is ACDP1 (unlike wild strains of E. coli, which are ACDP2). (Note: like many bacteria capable of growing at human body temperature, some strains of C. freundii are capable of infecting compromised hosts under unusual circumstances). All the organisms (E. coli, disabled and wild type strains, Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and Citrobacter freundii) we work with are ADCP1 organisms.
<br /><br />
Genes encoding sugar uptake systems, respiratory proteins and their accessory proteins, and common reporter genes, are not expected to increase pathogenicity in any way. Genes encoding counterselection enzymes such as nitroreductase and dehalogenase are expected to be toxic to cells in the presence of counterselective agents.
<br /><br />
Vectors used will be standard, widely used, non-transmissible cloning plasmids such as pSB1C3 (Registry of Standard Biological Parts). These encode resistance to antibiotics such as chloramphenicol. This is not expected to pose any risk to human health, nor should such resistance determinants be passed to other bacteria. Part of this project will include the development of standard cloning plasmids which do not include antibiotic resistance determinants, which will decrease this risk even further.
<br /><br />
<b>Public safety:</b> Our bio-electric interface could be made public in future in order to enable communications between electronic devices and bacteria, but this would take place in a contained system so users would not actually come in contact with anything potentially hazardous.
<br /><br />
<b>Environmental safety:</b> E. coli host strains are unable to colonize the intestines, their natural environment. C. freundii strains are close to wild type and may be able to proliferate in the environment, but are not expected to pose any hazard to animals or plants or to the environment in general.
Inserted genes are not expected to increase the ability of the organisms to survive in the external environment, or to cause harm to the environment or any other organism.
<br /><br />
<b>Conclusion:</b> Resulting genetically modified microorganisms should pose no greater risk to human health than the host strains.
<p class="h2">
<a name="question2">2. Do any of the new BioBrick parts (or devices) that you made this year raise any safety issues? If yes, did you document these issues in the Registry? How did you manage to handle the safety issue? How could other teams learn from your experience?</a>
<p class="normal-text">
We are working on the non-antibiotic selectable and counter-selectable markers including  Sucrose hydrolase, dhlA,dhlB and nitroreductase, and creating bioelectric interface with NapC, cymA, ccm, mtrcAB.  
<br /><br />
Sucrose hydrolase allows growth on sucrose as a sole carbon source which would expand possible growth conditions. However, sucrose degradation is not known to be a pathogenicity factor for infection of humans, and the resulting genetically modified organism would pose no greater risk to human health than the host strains.
<br /><br />
mtrCAB allows the bacteria to grow in anaerobic conditions.
<br /><br />
The rest of the genes do not present any safety issues.
NapC and cymA are used in the electron transport of E.coli JM109 and Shewanella respectively as part of the nitrate reduction pathway. The ccm gene cluster is involved in cytochrome c maturation. mtrCAB is a cytochrome c electron export system. Nitroreductase is involved in reduction of nitrogen containing molecules.
<p class="h2">
<a name="question3">3. Is there a local biosafety group, committee, or review board at your institution? If yes, what does your local biosafety group think about your project? If no, which specific biosafety rules or guidelines do you have to consider in your country?</a>
<p class="normal-text">
Yes, we have a Health and Safety board within the University of Edinburgh School of Biological Sciences. We have submitted a risk assessment form called ‘Genetically modified organisms (contained use) regulations 2000 - <a href="">RISK ASSESSMENT FORM FOR ACTIVITIES INVOLVING THE USE OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED MICRO-ORGANISMS AND EUKARYOTIC CELL AND TISSUE CULTURE SYSTEMS’</a> and this has been approved by the board.
<p class="h2">
<a name="question4">4. Do you have any other ideas how to deal with safety issues that could be useful for future iGEM competitions? How could parts, devices and systems be made even safer through biosafety engineering?</a>
<p class="normal-text">
Citrobacter could be made less pathogenic by mutating out the cephalosporinase (beta lactamase) gene that confers it ampicillin resistance. Most gram negative bacteria have this gene so it may offer some advantage to the organisms other than just antibiotic resistance. This way, if such a mutant strain were to be released into the environment, it might be less able to survive than the wild-type and if it were to somehow cause an infection, it would be easier to treat as ampicillin could be an effective antibiotic.
<br /><br />
On the topic of antibiotic resistance, we suggest that antibiotic-resistant markers be used less frequently and swapped for non-antibiotic selectable and counter-selectable markers. This way, there would be no danger of antibiotic resistant plasmids spreading into the organisms in the wild.
<br /><br />
Microbial fuel cells often use redox-active small molecules as mediators that carry the electrons from the organisms in the fuel cell to the electrode. These mediators are often toxic and/or expensive, so developing a mediatorless fuel cell system could be advantageous for the researchers and to the environment in several ways.
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<p style="margin-left: 50px; margin-right: 50px" align="left"><font size="3"><br/>
<h3>Entry 1a:</h3>
It’s 4 in the morning and I cannot sleep. 4 a.m. and I’m trying to figure out what’s wrong with this world, not for the first time. Well, there’s some good stuff, sure. We’ve fixed the problem of shrinking food supplies for one thing. I actually like the taste of synthetic meat made with seawater, reminds me of home in a weird way. And that sandwich I didn’t finish yesterday.
I smell lemons when I open the fridge. Without all the bacteria integrated in it I’d probably still have to leave the actual fruit inside to keep it fresh. A small price compared to what I paid for the fridge.
I pick the processed rubbish from the MFC, will get it on my way out later. Some stuff even microbes cannot utilise. For now they should get me more than enough energy to make some tea. “NEW, now with lemon flavour probiotic thermostable bacteria!” - sure, as long as it’s got caffeine in it.<br/><br/>
It’s 4:30 in the morning and it’s raining. It’s always raining. I bet it will rain in hell as well, once I'm there<br/><br/>
<p style="margin-left: 50px; margin-right: 50px" align="left"><font size="3"><br/>
<h3>Entry 1b:</h3>
I’m so comfortable. ‘These new sheets with Thermobacter™ adjust to maintain your body temperature a cozy 36.7ºC through the night, taking care of your sweet dreams.’ If only I didn’t have to get up and go to work.. but the alarm clock keeps on beeping, the biosensor knows that I haven’t reached the ‘awake’ part of my circadian rhythm quite yet, and the frequency of the noise it makes is keyed to my body, inducing a more and more alert state one beep at a time.<br/>
I finally get out of bed, turn the alarm clock off (which now answers to my command) and proceed to take a shower. Yes, a shower. They call me old fashioned for that. I know that my clothing contains enzymes that clean my body throughout the day, but a lukewarm shower in the morning wakes me up better than any cup of that ‘probiotic, thermostable bacterial’ tea (that I drink nonetheless). I think can afford to waste 5 minutes for this outdated ritual, regardless of how valuable ‘time’ has managed to become.<br/>
<p style="margin-left: 50px; margin-right: 50px" align="left"><font size="3"><br/>
<h3>Entry 2a:</h3>
Having a good time looking at all these people stuck in traffic. I heard the trams should get finished sometime next year - not sure how that’s supposed to change things but that's none of my concern.  One would think that after a fuel crisis people would get more considerate. But the moment that all the biofuels kicked in for good, everyone got back to good old habits. You can change the world but not the people...<br/>
It seems that the new education reform is all over the news. Sounds like the government got bored of all the overeducated people shuffling papers or flipping burgers. Well, at least nowadays most kids are actually aware that a degree has nothing to do with a real job. I switch off the radio and adjust the vision to better suit the fog. I'm not sure why I tuned in at all. With all the media and counter-media showing their own version of reality, it's hard to tell who's lying the most. Everyone has to find their own version of truth and in the end it always turns out that one is better off accepting the lies. Ignorance is bliss, they say - but it is not my thing .<br/><br/>

Latest revision as of 15:18, 26 October 2012

This page contains EdiGEM's answers to the Safety Questions.

1. Would any of your project ideas raise safety issues in terms of: researcher safety, public safety, or environmental safety?

Researcher safety: Escherichia coli JM109 is a widely used host strain with disabling mutations which is incapable of colonizing the human intestine, its natural habitat. The same is true of other similar E. coli strains which may be used. Citrobacter freundii is a close relative of E. coli which is not normally associated with human disease in healthy subjects, and is ACDP1 (unlike wild strains of E. coli, which are ACDP2). (Note: like many bacteria capable of growing at human body temperature, some strains of C. freundii are capable of infecting compromised hosts under unusual circumstances). All the organisms (E. coli, disabled and wild type strains, Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and Citrobacter freundii) we work with are ADCP1 organisms.

Genes encoding sugar uptake systems, respiratory proteins and their accessory proteins, and common reporter genes, are not expected to increase pathogenicity in any way. Genes encoding counterselection enzymes such as nitroreductase and dehalogenase are expected to be toxic to cells in the presence of counterselective agents.

Vectors used will be standard, widely used, non-transmissible cloning plasmids such as pSB1C3 (Registry of Standard Biological Parts). These encode resistance to antibiotics such as chloramphenicol. This is not expected to pose any risk to human health, nor should such resistance determinants be passed to other bacteria. Part of this project will include the development of standard cloning plasmids which do not include antibiotic resistance determinants, which will decrease this risk even further.

Public safety: Our bio-electric interface could be made public in future in order to enable communications between electronic devices and bacteria, but this would take place in a contained system so users would not actually come in contact with anything potentially hazardous.

Environmental safety: E. coli host strains are unable to colonize the intestines, their natural environment. C. freundii strains are close to wild type and may be able to proliferate in the environment, but are not expected to pose any hazard to animals or plants or to the environment in general. Inserted genes are not expected to increase the ability of the organisms to survive in the external environment, or to cause harm to the environment or any other organism.

Conclusion: Resulting genetically modified microorganisms should pose no greater risk to human health than the host strains.

2. Do any of the new BioBrick parts (or devices) that you made this year raise any safety issues? If yes, did you document these issues in the Registry? How did you manage to handle the safety issue? How could other teams learn from your experience?

We are working on the non-antibiotic selectable and counter-selectable markers including Sucrose hydrolase, dhlA,dhlB and nitroreductase, and creating bioelectric interface with NapC, cymA, ccm, mtrcAB.

Sucrose hydrolase allows growth on sucrose as a sole carbon source which would expand possible growth conditions. However, sucrose degradation is not known to be a pathogenicity factor for infection of humans, and the resulting genetically modified organism would pose no greater risk to human health than the host strains.

mtrCAB allows the bacteria to grow in anaerobic conditions.

The rest of the genes do not present any safety issues. NapC and cymA are used in the electron transport of E.coli JM109 and Shewanella respectively as part of the nitrate reduction pathway. The ccm gene cluster is involved in cytochrome c maturation. mtrCAB is a cytochrome c electron export system. Nitroreductase is involved in reduction of nitrogen containing molecules.

3. Is there a local biosafety group, committee, or review board at your institution? If yes, what does your local biosafety group think about your project? If no, which specific biosafety rules or guidelines do you have to consider in your country?

Yes, we have a Health and Safety board within the University of Edinburgh School of Biological Sciences. We have submitted a risk assessment form called ‘Genetically modified organisms (contained use) regulations 2000 - RISK ASSESSMENT FORM FOR ACTIVITIES INVOLVING THE USE OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED MICRO-ORGANISMS AND EUKARYOTIC CELL AND TISSUE CULTURE SYSTEMS’ and this has been approved by the board.

4. Do you have any other ideas how to deal with safety issues that could be useful for future iGEM competitions? How could parts, devices and systems be made even safer through biosafety engineering?

Citrobacter could be made less pathogenic by mutating out the cephalosporinase (beta lactamase) gene that confers it ampicillin resistance. Most gram negative bacteria have this gene so it may offer some advantage to the organisms other than just antibiotic resistance. This way, if such a mutant strain were to be released into the environment, it might be less able to survive than the wild-type and if it were to somehow cause an infection, it would be easier to treat as ampicillin could be an effective antibiotic.

On the topic of antibiotic resistance, we suggest that antibiotic-resistant markers be used less frequently and swapped for non-antibiotic selectable and counter-selectable markers. This way, there would be no danger of antibiotic resistant plasmids spreading into the organisms in the wild.

Microbial fuel cells often use redox-active small molecules as mediators that carry the electrons from the organisms in the fuel cell to the electrode. These mediators are often toxic and/or expensive, so developing a mediatorless fuel cell system could be advantageous for the researchers and to the environment in several ways.