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<h2 style="text-align: center;">Outreach</h2>
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<h3>Researcher's Night</h3>
<p>Ou team was present at the Researcher's Night with an "iGEM Corner" on September 28th. In this occasion we had the opportunity to share our project with the public and engage kids with the "Build Your Bacteria" game. We gave the kids some parts (candies, stickers, eyes, wings, baloons and tons of other stuff) with which they would build their personal bacteria. They were asked to give a name and what their bacteria did. We now have a lot of new ideas for next year project :P</p> <img src="" style="width: 500px; margin-left: 140px;" alt="" />
<p>The Researcher's Night is an event sponsored by the European Community where researchers have the opportunity to promote science with the public in over 300 cities throughout Europe. If you want to know more about this event visit <a href="">the UniTN hub</a> for the night or the general <a href="">European Community Reasearcher's Night website</a>.</p>
<h3>Open Days at the Museum</h3>
<p>On September 25, we have participated at the “3 days for the school”, an initiative organized by the Natural Sciences Museum of Trento. Every year, high school teachers meet with researchers and science communicators to learn about new approaches in science and research. During this 3 days,  teachers gain new information about new approaches in biology and bring them back to the students in their classes. Science learned not only from textbooks is always more appealing to the students. <br />This was a great opportunity for us to share with them our project and promote Synthetic Biology.</p>
<h3>An iGEM Corner at the MUSE</h3>
<p>In the forthcoming months, we will collaborate at the development of an “iGEM corner” based on our project, at the new <a href="">MUSE</a> designed by worldwide famous architect Renzo Piano.</p>
<img src="" style="float: right; padding-left: 30px;" alt="" />
<p>MUSE (acronym of MUseo delle ScienzE – Science Museum) is a latest concept centre for scientific culture diffusion. It will combine the traditional interest in natural history and research, common to all natural science institutions, with specific attention to ethical and social topics and to current issues, such as the environment and sustainable development. In addition to the iGEM corner, the MUSE will also host a series of permanent exhibits on the so-called “DNA gallery”, including interactive multimedia on the origin of life, recombinant DNA technology, synthetic biology, human population genetics, genomics, epidemiology, and other biotechnology-related topics.</p>
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Latest revision as of 20:41, 18 October 2012


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Researcher's Night

Ou team was present at the Researcher's Night with an "iGEM Corner" on September 28th. In this occasion we had the opportunity to share our project with the public and engage kids with the "Build Your Bacteria" game. We gave the kids some parts (candies, stickers, eyes, wings, baloons and tons of other stuff) with which they would build their personal bacteria. They were asked to give a name and what their bacteria did. We now have a lot of new ideas for next year project :P

The Researcher's Night is an event sponsored by the European Community where researchers have the opportunity to promote science with the public in over 300 cities throughout Europe. If you want to know more about this event visit the UniTN hub for the night or the general European Community Reasearcher's Night website.

Open Days at the Museum

On September 25, we have participated at the “3 days for the school”, an initiative organized by the Natural Sciences Museum of Trento. Every year, high school teachers meet with researchers and science communicators to learn about new approaches in science and research. During this 3 days, teachers gain new information about new approaches in biology and bring them back to the students in their classes. Science learned not only from textbooks is always more appealing to the students.
This was a great opportunity for us to share with them our project and promote Synthetic Biology.

An iGEM Corner at the MUSE

In the forthcoming months, we will collaborate at the development of an “iGEM corner” based on our project, at the new MUSE designed by worldwide famous architect Renzo Piano.

MUSE (acronym of MUseo delle ScienzE – Science Museum) is a latest concept centre for scientific culture diffusion. It will combine the traditional interest in natural history and research, common to all natural science institutions, with specific attention to ethical and social topics and to current issues, such as the environment and sustainable development. In addition to the iGEM corner, the MUSE will also host a series of permanent exhibits on the so-called “DNA gallery”, including interactive multimedia on the origin of life, recombinant DNA technology, synthetic biology, human population genetics, genomics, epidemiology, and other biotechnology-related topics.