User:DrJones1935/29 June 2012
I. Check culture and plate for overnight growth
- Results: No growth in the ECNR2 culture at 37 oC, confirming that these cultures will not grow at these temperatures. Modest colony growth in the two strains on the plate from the ~34 - 35 oC static incubator, moreso in ECNR2 than ECNR1. There are enough isolated colonies of both strains for liquid cultures.
II. Lower Incubator Temperature
- The shaking incubator now has an internal temperature of 33 oC consistently.
III. Inoculate ECNR1 and ECNR2 Cultures from Plate streaked by Prof. Isaacs
- Inoculate one isolated colony into ~2 mL of LB media in a sterile culture tube for each strain (2 tubes total, ~2 PM)
- Return plate to static incubator
- Place tubes in 33 oC incubator and check on cultures after 4 hours to see if they have grown at all
No visible turbidity at 4 hours, leaving it overnight. ~ Srk3 (talk) 18:01, 29 June 2012 (EDT)