


Statistical analysis was done based on the survey data that was collected to determine the acceptance of genetically modified products in various fields (environment and medical) from individuals with different knowledge of biology ranging from negligible to a more advanced level. Our survey result from approximately one hundred people demonstrates that most people including those with base level knowledge of biology were very much interested in using genetically modified organisms in various fields like food, environment and medicine. In addition to this, people were also eager to use synthetic biology in the cure of cancer since our project was mainly focused on the application of synthetic biology in cancer therapy. Although this was the first year for our university to initiate creating awareness about synthetic biology to the public, we were very surprised to know that currently in the 21st century there is decreasing number of people without some knowledge of biology. We hope to fill these gap in the future via iGEM.

The survey questions and the graphical representations of their answers are shown below:

1. Do you think biology is interesting?

Survey Answers

2. What level of scientific or biology education do you have?

Survey Answers

3. How would you classify bacteria?

Survey Answers

4. The human body is composed of a larger number of bacterial cells than human cells?

Survey Answers

5. Do you know products like bread, beer and many medications are made using microorganisms?

Survey Answers

6. Imagine a certain breed of panda is becoming extinct. Scientists have genetically modified some of the genes in these pandas to allow them to survive, even under harsh conditions, thus preventing their extinction. Do you feel this is a justifiable use of genetic modification?

Survey Answers

7. A nuclear explosion in Japan has caused a lot of devastation and radiation debris. An iGEM team from the University of Osaka has created an organism that can de-toxify this debris. Do you feel this is a justifiable use of genetic modification?

Survey Answers

8. Imagine that your relative is severely ill with cancer. The doctor tells you the treatment options are either regular cancer medicine, eg chemotherapy or a new genetically modified medicine. If the regular medicine had a 40% chance of working, while the genetically modified drug had a 60% success rate. Which would you prefer?

Survey Answers

9. Do you think genetically modified products like the products from three previous questions are ethically right if they benefit society?

Survey Answers

10. Do you think there should be a place for genetic engineered products to enter the market place in the next 5 years?

Survey Answers


This year (2012) was the first time that our University of Westminster participates in the iGEM competition. We encountered many difficulties being the fresh new team, and decided to organise an iGEM society to share everything we were learning with the students that may become part of our 2013 Westminster iGEM team. We organised an iSTEM project presentation and will hold an Induction Session in early October to expose the student community to the SynBio field and the iGEM!


During the fresher’s day at our University, we had a presentation stand through which we could introduce synthetic biology, the iGEM competition and our new Westminster iGEM society to the new students. We were wonderfully received by many enthusiastic students, 94 of which expressed their wish to attend our iSTEM official presentation before the Jamboree and talks on the topic of synthetic biology. Our iGEM public engagement posters were displayed both in the foyer TV and our stand, attracting many students that were curious about our project or wanted to be part of a future iGEM team (and half of them were not studying Biology, but other courses varying from Electrical Engineering to Politics!) It was a great experience to meet them all and communicate our ideas and the potential of SynBio, as well as increasing the student`s awareness of the iGEM competition.



We interviewed Dr. Miriam Dwek, who is the head of the Against Breast Cancer Unit at the University of Westminster. She talked with us about her research and her views on our project, and gave us useful advice.