

Coomassie Staining of Acrylamide gels

  1. Dissolve 2.5g coomassie brilliant blue R-250 (BioRad #161-0400) in 450mL MeOH. (it will take some time to dissolve, may want to stir overnight)
  2. Then add 450mL H2O and 100mL glacial acetic acid. Filter the mix with whatman paper (this will take some time).
  3. Stain gel with coomassie mix for 1-2h. Then destain overnight with destain mix [45%MeOh, 45% H2O, 10% Acetic acid]. Put a chimwipe in the destain to absorb the dye from the destain.
  4. After destaining rehydrade gel with DI water for 10-30min or longer.