Team:Macquarie Australia/Protocols/PlasmidPreparation13thhh


Below are the Nano Drop results from the total of 9 cultures which grew. The 'E' stands for electroporated. These total samples underwent plasmid preparation protocol and have been sent to the Macquarie University DNA Sequencing Facility.

NanoDrop Results

Culture Concentration (ng/ul) 260/280 260/230

3CE/1 43.6 1.92 2.27

3CE/2 38.3 q.89 1.67
3CE/3 62.2 q.91 1.77

4KE/1 49.5 1.82 1.23
4KE/2 32.3 1.78 0.91
4KE/3 14.4 1.89 1.75
5CE/1 71.1 1.76 1.08
5CE/2 92.1 1.76 1.17
5CE/3 56.7 1.86 2.08