

May 1st

At No.2 building, 2nd floor, room 223
1. Self-introduction

2. Study about safety
 HOMEWORK: We will talk about safety and human practice next week.

May 8th

At No.2 building, 2nd floor, room 223

Hatano stood as a candidate for the leader of a first-year students
Matuzaki decided to do finances
We studied PCR and a general outline of experiments
We started study of Drosophila and microorganism
We must think about the date of study and progress of meeting

May 11th

At No.2 building, 2nd floor, room 223
We decided to read「Molecular Biology of the Cell」Chapter22 for study of Drosophila

May 18th

At Meeting room of the department of applied biology
We read「Molecular Biology of the Cell」
HOMEWORK: We must decide the contents of human practice

May 25th

At No.2 building, 2nd floor, room 223
1. We read「Molecular Biology of the Cell」p.1333~p.1337

2. We announced the idea of human practice
 We make HP, and we print this HP on SNS or twitter.
 We introduce iGEM to other universities at the open campus.
 We make a newspaper of iGEM.
 We notify our activity using poster or handbill.
 We explain iGME to high school student.
 We do more publicity.
 We make animation of our working.
 We make iGEM HP in Japanese with other universities joining iGEM.

3. We decided the charge of each person.
 Open campus-Sakamoto(L),Watanabe,Murakami,Okumura
 A sponsor-Tanaka(L),Matuzaki,Sano,Tamiaki
 Information of Tokyo-unsettled
 *(L) is team leader

4. About safety and description
 We studied about safety and description (Japanese) by June 5
 We studied about safety and description (English) by June 15
 HOMEWORK: We should read safety guideline on iGEM page.

May 29th

At Meeting room of the department of applied biology (4th floor)
1. Emily Rei Worung and Boo Kwidae join team.
 They decided to make design of card

2. About safety
 Safety quiz
 Make bio-safety check list (key of the stock of chemicals and tools)

3. About description
  If we understand genes of leukemia, what can we do ?
 → medicine manufacture

4. A presentation for Emily Rei Worung and Boo Kwidae.
 Leukemia-Sano Sakamoto Tamiaki
 Contents of experiments-Takeda
 Make PowerPoint by June 12
 A deadline
 Safety and Description(Japanese)-June 5
 PowerPoint-June 12
 Contents of Questionnaire-June 15
 Safety and Description(English)-June 15