Team:Georgia Tech/sandbox/picturedemo




Media Wiki Markup

So plain editing text, as I'm sure you've noticed, is super simple. You just type, and it appears. If you want headings, you use "=" signs in front. I like using two "="s for top level headings, and three for subsequent headings


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There's a whole lot of text editting you can do, and I found a useful guide on [ MediaWiki]

Adding Pictures

There are two main ways to add pictures.

  • Using wiki Markup
  • Using HTML and CSS

[ A guide on using Wiki markup for pictures] If you don't care where the picture is exactly, as long as it's in the general area you want it, you can use Wiki markup. Wiki markup will just put the picture bellow the text it's around.

Jenny Boothby, Champion iGEMer

Actually, I think it does text wrap. Yes, yes it does. Well, forget everything I said about using HTML and just do it this way, it's way simpler.

If you want to stop the text from wrapping, say "<br style="clear: both" />" right before the text you want to go bellow the image.

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And it's also useful to resize images so they aren't huge. You just do that in the same way you tell the image which side of the page to go on, with a "|" inbetween the different options:

Jenny Boothby, Champion iGEMer

The guide I linked to up there is way more in depth than this. If you want any help with specifics, let me know.