Team:Shenzhen/Team/BGI College


Revision as of 01:07, 25 September 2012 by BGI K2 (Talk | contribs)

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<< Team Stories

A short video introducing our team, Shenzhen, a special consortium named after a city, and what is the co-cultured project in BGI College and how students united.

Graduate Education in BGI College

BGI College is an educational institution founded by BGI Research Institute. Its graduate division, BGI Education Center of CAS, is co-founded by Chinese Academy Of Sciences in 2012, and authorized to grant master's and doctoral degrees. In Sep. 2012, about 80 students have started their study and research in BGI College.

BGI College has also initialed several joint education programs with leading research universities around the world, including:

- the University of Copenhagen,

- Aarhus University,

- the University of Hong Kong and

- the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

One of our team members, Ms. Qiong WU, is just from the BGI-CUHK joint program and pursuing her master degree on Genomics and Bioinformatics.

Innovation Classes on Genomics

BGI College is not admitting undergraduate students itself, but students from nine universities in China have the opportunity to join us, to take courses and participate in research programs on genomics related fields.

This co-culturing project is called Innovation Classes on Genomics, initialed by BGI College,

- Huazhong University of Science and Technology,

With mature curriculum design and credit exchange plan, students can choose to finish their schoolwork in BGI College, from the 2nd or 3rd year in regular college course. Most team members of Shenzhen 2012 are from seven schools in this co-culturing program.


Qinsi Liang is a graduate in biotechnology at NEAU. He is interested in Artificial Life and believes it will solve many problems including shortage of energy and food. And anti-aging is another field he interested, since age-related diseases are human's unavoidable nightmare for everybody. He also likes table tennis, Starcraft, chess, hiking, programming, gardening and swimming in free time.