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Modelling - iGEM Bordeaux 2012

iGEM - Bordeaux - Conception

We choosed to create 4 operons:

  • the top three permit cellular communication and to see phenotypes of the cells.
  • the last one containes genes to allow signal transduction (to other neighbor cells).

  • Each of the top three operons can respond specificly to a quorum sensing (QSS) and respond by another QSS giving rise to a chain reaction , to all near bacteria.

    The next figure represents the different genetic constructions that we will try to make.

    Principle and rules

    Each cell of the grid can be in 4 differents states: state1, state2, state3, state4 (state4 being state 1 and 2 at the same time). On the following steps the state of the cell is determined by the action of other close cells.
    The next rules are applied on each cells of the grid for each turn:

  • if a bacteria is in a “virgin” state and have close neighbor(s), she is candidate to be activated.
  • if a bacteria is in a “virgin” state and haven't close neighbor(s), she will remain into her “virgin” state.
  • if a bacteria is in an “activated” state and have close neighbor(s), she has an opportunity to change neighbor state's.