Team:Exeter/lab book/glyco/wk5


ExiGEM2012 Lab Book Glyco wk5

GlycoBase/GlycoWeb: 23rd - 27th July 2012


GlycoBase Version 2.0

New features include:
1) Randomize Button
2) Drop down menu for the sugar unit choice

To implement the randomize button I need to create a table highlighting all possible combinations.

Assign each of these an integer key, selected via the random number generator function.

Union operator used like an AND function for select statements.

Would it be better to build the chain as we go?

SQL count could be useful for the dropdown menu.

rand_integer = random.randint(1,100) used to select a random integer between 1 and 100.

The SQL select distinct statement: In a table, some of the columns may contain duplicate values. This is not a problem, however sometimes you will want to list only the different (distinct) values in a table. The 'distinct' keyword can be utilized in such situations.

This is very useful in populating a drop down menu for sugars into the interface.

Use a script to create a text file with the separate sugar names, then subsequently call this text file in the interface mainloop().

Display is unclear in interface, call a meeting to decide layout.


Exception Handling

Used to catch errors which occur whenever the application may be running such that users do not 'see' the error.

The most common errors in GlycoBase 2.0 are as follows:

1) Value Error
This error occurs when the user attempts to call the randomize method without entering the desired length of repeat unit.

2) Operational Error
This error occurs whenever the user calls a method that makes use of the SQL database before creating the database.

Error 1 best fixed printing a message to the output text widget.

Error 2 can occur in several places, for example using the randomize button or entering a sugar string and the 'fetch enzymes' before creating the database. Best fixed by calling the database and re-looping to the main program.

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