Team:Wellesley HCI/Notebook/KaraNotebook


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(Introduction | May 29 - June 2)
(Introduction (May 29 - June 2))
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sit amet sem ante, at mollis ipsum. Etiam adipiscing gravida quam sit amet malesuada. Mauris ac tellus ligula. Maecenas lobortis imperdiet pharetra. Integer sem tellus, consequat vestibulum blandit vitae, mollis sit amet nisl. Donec dolor ipsum, auctor sed porttitor ac, hendrerit vel dolor. Donec at dui vitae sapien congue hendrerit. Praesent mollis, nulla ac ornare molestie, purus urna tincidunt lectus, eget mollis purus ligula quis leo. Nullam at felis eget tortor bibendum semper. Morbi ullamcorper massa ut dolor malesuada convallis. Curabitur sed vehicula risus. Etiam eget leo velit, interdum fringilla leo. Duis et lacus semper odio interdum malesuada. Integer non eros ante, ut adipiscing metus. Suspendisse id felis ut magna iaculis porttitor in eget arcu.
The first foray into human-computer interaction! We started with a basic introduction to the concepts of HCI research and the lab's particular goals and projects. Also included were the subteams our labs were divided into - I ended up in the Information Workflow and eLab Notebook groups, but my team members were to arrive next week. Still, since it was just the inofmration-gathering phase at the moment, being able to communicate via email was more than enough.
Suspendisse hendrerit quam eget neque imperdiet iaculis. Donec a varius magna. Proin diam metus, fermentum et pellentesque non, auctor in sem. Aenean at leo commodo magna rhoncus pellentesque et non nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed id vulputate nibh. Suspendisse pulvinar consequat urna a dignissim. Mauris sagittis accumsan arcu, in ullamcorper libero semper id. In a sagittis lorem.
But before I started with workflow and ELN research, Consuelo sat me down in front of Samsung surface and gave me a thick Surface-programming training manual to work on. It was my first contact with XML and C# - they reminded me a lot of HTML and CSS/JS, though, but that does make sense. It was an interesting experience to dissect the logic in the code I was instructed to write and see familiar patterns in it.
Once that was done (which was a shame), it was time to start researching the ELN. We had a number of preliminary readings to do, which covered the current state of commercial ELNs to new and dramatically different implementations of the technology. It was quite a large volume of information to process, but it's exciting to see that technology in labs is a lot closer to the futuristic equipment shown in the media than I'd previously thought.

Revision as of 13:39, 18 June 2012

Wellesley HCI iGEM Team: Kara's Notebook

Kara's Notebook


Introduction (May 29 - June 2)
  • Big idea 1
  • Big idea 2
  • Big idea 3
To do
  • To do 1
  • To do 2
  • To do 3

The first foray into human-computer interaction! We started with a basic introduction to the concepts of HCI research and the lab's particular goals and projects. Also included were the subteams our labs were divided into - I ended up in the Information Workflow and eLab Notebook groups, but my team members were to arrive next week. Still, since it was just the inofmration-gathering phase at the moment, being able to communicate via email was more than enough.

But before I started with workflow and ELN research, Consuelo sat me down in front of Samsung surface and gave me a thick Surface-programming training manual to work on. It was my first contact with XML and C# - they reminded me a lot of HTML and CSS/JS, though, but that does make sense. It was an interesting experience to dissect the logic in the code I was instructed to write and see familiar patterns in it.

Once that was done (which was a shame), it was time to start researching the ELN. We had a number of preliminary readings to do, which covered the current state of commercial ELNs to new and dramatically different implementations of the technology. It was quite a large volume of information to process, but it's exciting to see that technology in labs is a lot closer to the futuristic equipment shown in the media than I'd previously thought.

Team research (June 3 - June 9)
  • Big idea 1
  • Big idea 2
  • Big idea 3
To do
  • To do 1
  • To do 2
  • To do 3

Cras vehicula ultricies ipsum non posuere. Praesent semper, magna non pulvinar tincidunt, dolor nibh eleifend erat, et sodales mi arcu vitae odio. Nullam consectetur, dui ac faucibus cursus, risus lectus adipiscing orci, a gravida mi lectus a orci. Pellentesque pharetra velit nec lacus porttitor eget molestie nulla egestas. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In sit amet ligula nisi, nec tempor enim. Sed malesuada accumsan molestie. Aenean et neque ut nisi molestie mollis vel eget nulla. Ut ut sollicitudin turpis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam non nunc ipsum, nec tempor turpis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc tincidunt pharetra vulputate.

Brainstorming (June 10 - June 16)
  • Big idea 1
  • Big idea 2
  • Big idea 3
To do
  • To do 1
  • To do 2
  • To do 3

Etiam convallis enim sed lectus elementum laoreet. Donec scelerisque turpis eu arcu ornare ultricies. Proin quis nulla ipsum. Mauris mattis vehicula augue sagittis vestibulum. Curabitur ultrices erat non lorem varius sed gravida augue faucibus. Fusce eu commodo diam. Vestibulum pretium arcu pretium magna cursus at volutpat augue ultricies. Nunc vel metus quam. Morbi sed ligula a purus facilisis bibendum et eu sem. Nullam nec eros ac tellus auctor elementum. Nullam tempus dolor at mauris commodo interdum. Nulla facilisi. Sed congue velit ac odio mattis dictum. Nulla felis sem, ullamcorper et suscipit a, lacinia ut lectus.

The first steps of design (June 17 - June 23)
  • Big idea 1
  • Big idea 2
  • Big idea 3
To do
  • To do 1
  • To do 2
  • To do 3

Duis mollis porta est sed convallis. Fusce porttitor iaculis elit, et lacinia elit varius eget. Nullam tempor risus non dui pretium vel lacinia risus lacinia. Sed dignissim, erat in eleifend blandit, felis tortor luctus tortor, et vestibulum ipsum est in tellus. Proin quis dapibus augue. Nunc euismod enim non diam hendrerit pharetra. Nunc luctus arcu sed odio convallis sed vestibulum nibh cursus. Aliquam diam lorem, feugiat nec venenatis eget, condimentum at lacus. Integer diam est, venenatis at pellentesque ut, pulvinar id erat. Aenean ut lorem vitae sapien interdum rutrum. Phasellus porttitor auctor nulla, sed ultricies augue luctus eget. Suspendisse odio risus, varius at aliquet eget, ullamcorper mollis urna. Curabitur sapien diam, feugiat viverra vulputate in, feugiat eget augue. Quisque interdum euismod imperdiet.