

Revision as of 00:10, 4 October 2012 by Ppatel76 (Talk | contribs)




Week 1.

Research (both pichia and agrobacterium)- Merhawi, Latara, Khamani, Morgan, Alyssa, Payal, and Mary

Week 2.

Made YEB medium- Merhawi. Sequencing Plasmids- Alyssa, Payal, and Latara. Research- Khamani Finish pgap gene test- Khamani. Had a group meeting!

week 3.

DNA Transformation - Merhawi and Dafna Made YEB plates- Khamani, Payal, and Mary Made LB agar plates with Kanamycin - Alyssa and Latara Planting - Dafna and Merhawi

week 4.

Mini prep - Merhawi, Alyssa and Dafna Made SOC medium Merhawi Made some YPD medium- Khamani Preparing cells for transformation (pichia)- Mary Ti Transformation-Innoculated large culture for midi prep, watered plants and electroporation of cells - Latara

week 5.

Grew some E. Coli cells- Khamani Culture Ti plasmids, plating and mini plasmid extraction - Alyssa and Merhawi Midi prep - Payal, Khamani, and Mary Gel electrophoresis and gel pictures - Merhawi and Alyssa Restriction digest and made agarose geland PCR- Khamani, Payal, and Mary

week 6.

Did PCR and did a gel following a restriction digest- Khamani Restriction digest - Payal and Mary PCR, restriction digest and gel - Merhawi and Dafna Found DNA concentration of the midi prep done on pichia- Khamani, Payal, and Mary DNA gel extraction- Khamani Quantification of 20I DNA - Latara Transformation, RFP mini prep, agarose gel, and restriction digest of pORE expression series - Alyssa

week 7.

Mini prep of 20I- Merhawi Plasmid Extraction/Microscopy transformation of expected vector- Chemical transformation- Khamani and Mary made some primers for MCS of pGAP vector - Khamani and Mary Electroporation- Khamani and Payal

week 8.

Payal, Mary, Khamani- Miniprep, restriction digest, gel electrophoresis of pGAP. Merhawi and Alyssa- Miniprep plus quantitative analysis, and culture colonies from plates

week 9.

Alyssa, Merhawi-Library research, wiki, plasmid digest. Khamani and Brandi- Vectors Payal & Mary- Plate to broth transfer of transformed pGap and Miniprep. Alyssa - midi prep of pORE vector

week 10.

Payal, Mahesh, Mary,- Electrocompetent cells of E. coli, ran gels of midi and mini prep and Chlorophenicol research Latara- Research and planting

week 11.

Latara- Planting and Research Merhawi- Research

week 12.

Khamani- Primer Stock (resuspended dry oligos) Research for another binary vector - Dafna

week 13.

Merhawi- Watered plants Khamani- PCR of pGAP and restriction digest. Mary, Payal, Khamani, Krystle- Gel Electrophoresis

week 14.

Latara- Vector Design Khamani Robinson- Gel Extraction MCS and gel analysis Krystle- Ligation of linker

week 15.

Payal, Mary- LB broth, picked transformed cultures put into broth. Alyssa- Mini Prep Dafna - cell cultures of E4 vector Latara- Miniprep of 20I DNA and quantification and restriction digest Krystle- Miniprep of pGap with linker

week 16.

Merhawi, Kelsey, Alyssa Dafna - transformation of cell cultures from E4 vector and primer design for pPZP500 vector Latara- Miniprep and Restriction Digest of E4 vector Khamani- Club fair, wiki, cultures, research, miniprep Morgan- Miniprep with Khamani Alyssa - restriction digest and mini prep

week 17.

Khamani and Krystle- Restriction digest and pGap digest with linker gel Payal, Mary, Amish- wiki posters,broth Alyssa-Mini prep of LB broth + Ecoli cells with Austria Vector cultures, Restiction digest with EcoRI enzyme of mini prep samples and gel Electrophoresis. Gel showed no bands.- PCR of ecoli with Austria vector colonies (picked from LB/Kan plates), Gel electrophoresis of finished PCR samples, prepared LB/Spectinomycin agar Dafna:Poured LB/Spectinomycin plates Latara - transformation with Sarah and quanitfication

week 18.

Payal and Mary- PCR of mini preps and ran gel Dr. Brewer- Ran gel of PCR Krystle- PCR of mini preps and Midiprep of pGap alpha z with linker Khamani- YPD with zeocin medium plates and broth, ligation of RFP into pGap. Transformation into pichia Dafna - made LB agar plates with Spectinomycin and plate transformed pPZP500 vector Merhawi - transformation of pPZP500 vector Latara - PCR to get Kanamycin resistance out