


Future Applications

Our idea to battle obesity gives rise to a lot of different aspects of the future. In this section we will try to describe some of the ideas we had for future applications. When devising these future ideas, we have always had in mind, the safety considerations needed for GMO.

Bacterial Chassi

The next thing we want to discuss is the transfer of the construct to a probiotic bacteria. For this part we want to use a lactobacillus, since it is the normal type of bacteria used in probiotic cultured yoghurts. The lactobacillus is a normal inhabitant of the gut, and several strains of the specie are already characterized as probiotic. We found a strain (Lactobacillus johnsonii) that have the ability to produce inulin polymers (the bacterial version with a degree of polymerization (DP) up to 10.000 units), and also happened to be in the group of probiotic lactobacillus strains. This might have some unknown features that handles the inulin production (e.g. transport out of the cell) and therefore has the potential to be a very useful chassi.


As we have mentioned, the end product should be a cultured yoghurt. This suggests to us, that we might use a heat shock promoter, allowing the construct to remain untranscribed, as it is held in the refrigerator and then transcribed at a quick pace when eaten (at 37°C).

Anti-colonization Compartment

We found a part made by the Chinese team, XMU-china (2011). The part enables bacterial density limitations by synthesizing a signaling molecule capable of activating a death gene, if it has a high concentration. This idea allows us to avoid the chance of our bacteria inappropriately colonizing our gut. Below we have posted a link to the part.

Cellulose Compartment

Because the waste product of inulin production is a glucose unit (per fructose added to the polymer), we also thought to add another part to our construct. This part should be the cellulose compartment, which would allow us to convert glucose into cellulose. Cellulose is, unlike inulin, a non-soluble fiber that is found in almost any plant organism. Cellulose is indigestible to humans, as well as inulin, but has a lot of beneficial health attributes (Helps to prevent cancer, healthier feces etc.). Of course you might consider the further decrease of survivability as an opposing factor in the decision of adding the cellulose compartment. The excess glucose could be used for energy supply, keeping the bacteria alive. In order to decide whether the cell has the capacity for the cellulose compartment, we suggest empiric testing to measure survival rates of the bacteria. Keep in mind, though, that the bacteria are only supposed to be able to survive for some hours in the gut, and produce what is necessary (mostly for reasons of biosafety).

Delivery System

In order to provide the best circumstances, when delivering our probiotic bacteria, we think microencapsulation methods to be of great use. We want to encapsulate our bacteria in a mixture of some coating polysaccharides that will shield the bacteria through the gastrointestinal tract (GI). These coating polysaccharides should be a base of alginate mixed with some prebiotic starches such as pectin, according to literature.[1][2]
