

iGEM Leicester Test Page 2012

Meet the team

Hi! We are the University of Leicester iGEM Team, a group of Biologists, Chemists and a Computer Scientist, all focused on degrading polystyrene.

The team consists of a computer scientist (Emily), two organic chemists (Reema and Idres) , one main stream biological scientist (Christopher), two geneticists (Anthony and Nathan), and three biochemists (William, Luke and Philip). The whole team were inducted into the Genetics Department at the University of Leicester. This means everybody is cleared to work in the lab and all of us can contribute to the hands-on experiments.

Christopher Morton - Project Leader
Anthony Cox - Vice Project Leader
Philip Higgs - Treasurer
Luke Thompson - Lab Leader
Nathan Hanna - Webmaster
Will Harrison - Deputy lab Leader
Emily Halsey - Bioinformatician
Reema Naran - Organic Chemist
Mohammed Idres - Organic Chemist


Christopher Morton - Project Leader

Anthony Cox - Vice Project Leader

Philip Higgs - Treasuerer

Luke Thompson - Lab Leader

William Harrison - Deputy lab Leader

Nathan Hanna - Webmaster

Emily Halsey - Bioinformatician

Reema Naran - Organic Chemist

Mohammed Idres - Organic Chemist


Where we're from

We're from the University of Leicester, located in the UK. The University was founded in 1921 and gained University Status by Royal Charter in 1957. It is perhaps most famous for the discovery of DNA fingerprinting by Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys FRS (one of our generous sponsors!). It is also home to the Genetics Education Network for Innovation and Exellence (GENIE), the UK's Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Genetics.

Our Sponsors

