Team/CINVESTAV-IPN-UNAM MX/Education.htm
3rd Summer Workshop in Synthetic Biology
Mexico is a country that does not count with an appropriate number of full-time synbio
researchers needed to have similar progress in this area to other developing countries such as
Brazil and India. Recently, some universities and institutions in Mexico have come up with classes
and conferences to catch studentĀ“s attention.
Nonetheless, this is not enough if we want to be competitive in the developing of synbio-based
projects and enterprises. For this reason, every year, the Center for Research and Advanced
Studies organizes a Synthetic Biology Summer Workshop, where undergrad students from all the
country take part in the creation, design and development of new synbio projects during the
summer. Some members of our team guided the new students in this workshop.
The main objective of this workshop is to educate and train young scientist in the management of
lab techniques, protocols, equipment, software and other skills for experimental work in a lab.
Besides, the students receive a quick training in mathematical modeling, systems biology and
mathematical biology.
This year, 13 students took part in a 6 week-summer internship in the Systems and Synthetic
Biology Lab (SSBL) in the 3rd SynBio Summer Workshop (3SBSW). They made 5 teams, 3 of them
collaborated in the design of new biobricks and devices with the iGEM Team and the last 2 teams
participated in ambitious projects with SSBL members.
More than knowledge, we tried to form a different kind of scientist: Creativity, Boldness and
Passion are the most important skills for us.
We hope this workshop could cause impact in short term. Actually our team emerged as a result of
the great experience of some participants of the 2nd Synbio Summer Workshop (2011 edition).
2012 Projects:
2012 Experiences
Synthetic biology is a new field of research whose main objective is the creation of new biological
systems. During the 3rd Synbio Workshop I learned the rules and techniques of this discipline. I
learned firsthand the important contributions they have to do with other areas of science like
physics or engineering.
It was fascinating to learn that, from a problem or need, you can search information from different
organisms, combine, modify, etc., to create new organisms on demand with new unique features.
My work in 3SBSW was on the construction of a reporter attached to a synthetic regulatory system
in E. coli. The 3SBSW was a unique experience that left me a broad overview of the things you can
imagine, develop and create.
Chemical Engineer, University of Guadalajara
This workshop exceeded my expectations, it gave me the opportunity to work in SynBio with great
advisors, partners and in first-class laboratories. The most valuable for me is that I learned
teamwork, I could establish professional relationships and I could interchange academic and non-
academic experiences.
Synbio is a field that is taking a great impulse, is compulsory for Mexico to count with trained
professionals capable to work in the topic
Biological and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, National University of Mexico
Rhodofactory 2012