Team:UC Chile/Cyano/Notepad


Revision as of 17:19, 2 June 2012 by Csvidal (Talk | contribs)

Cyanolux & SpiderColi - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, iGEM 2012

In this page we shall write what is being done and what remains to be done. <- (yeah, right)

Ok, let's start by saying that the other guy (the one in charge of bactomithril section) is the serious one. I see myself more like a sort of crazy engineer type of person (thereby my code name is crazyengineer42). While reading the following pages you'll probably stumble on things that don't make much sense and many references to star wars, x files, lost and García Márquez. Oh, and dragons, there's gonna be lots of dragons. But don't despair, some ideas are intelligible if you make the effort to think as I think. If it's impossible for you to do so, well, at least I hope you have some fun (otherwise it may be better for you to stick with bactomithril section and never come back here!).

I make up for my lack of artistic style with entertaining writing, funny pics and unnecessary smilies.



Week 1

Check out our constructs!!!

Week 2

Hey, it's just me at SJ library.

Monday: weekly meeting. We came up with three solutions for the sustentability problem. The formal proposal must be ready next Tuesday afternoon. Also, we designed primers for the integration biobrick experiment.

Tuesday: we prepared synechocystis culture media and lots of other pretty things :) I ate ice cream and pizza for example (seriously, need some help here!).

Wednesday: I am supposed to be studying proba instead of doing this. Can't concentrate though, too boring for me still.