

Revision as of 00:09, 25 August 2012 by YuenYeeLo (Talk | contribs)




Welcome to the NRP UEA iGEM 2012 Wiki Lab Book

Please choose the relevant link to access our diary of that week!

Week Zero | Week One | Week Two | Week Three | Week Four | Week Five | Week Six | Week Seven | Week Eight | Week Nine | Week Ten | Week Eleven | Lab Protocols | Experiments


Week 6

Much of this week was focused on both the UK team meetup and the forum event that would happen on Sunday. The team split up into groups to concentrate on different aspects. By Friday, everyone was super hyped about the UK meetup, despite the inhumanely early start. The UK meetup was a huge success. The forum was no different, we met and interacted with people of all ages, introducing them to synthetic biology and our project.

Day 1


. We have BioBricks! The plates containing the ligations between B-M and M-B to pSB1C3 showed growth. These need to be validated before submission to iGEM.

Day 2


. LB media and Agar media was made in vast quantities and autoclaved.

. To produce more M-B and B-M plasmid (already ligated into pSB1C3 plasmids) DNA, more colonies were inoculated into LB media. We plan to maintain a running culture of this, whereby we inoculate this into fresh culture daily.

Day 3


. We decided to make the study longer and take both full wavescans as well as absorbance readings at 660nm. Instead of plating constantly . Forum preparation - plates with Biobrick written with one letter per plate (using the pYEAR with GFP and potassium nitrate to induce promoter activity)

. Rebecca, Khadija and Lucas, used day 2 samples and carried out a growth study with a reading every minute for 1 hour.

Day 4

- Forum preparation - plates used for the forum science day had their fluorescence intensified by adding more potassium nitrate to the cells on the plate.

Day 5

. UK Team Meet-Up! The team took the day off lab inorder to enjoy and host a great UK iGEM team meet up at the google campus, london (Cheak out human practices tab for more infomation about this day).