Team:Wageningen UR/MarnixVlot
Marnix Vlot
- Name: Marnix Vlot
- Alias: Mr. Succes (but with time, I'm sort of losing this name)
- Age: 22
- Nationality: NL
- Study: Biotechnology
- Reason to join iGEM: I was born for this! ..... or maybe not.
- Role within iGEM: PoLeRo man (PoLeRo as in PLRV (potato leafroll virus), the real thing:)
- Height: From my toes till the top of my head
- Weight: 22.2817108534 times pi
- Shoe size: 42
- Favourite radio station during Lab work: none really
- Favourite song during Lab work: Universal Mind by Liquid Tension Experiment
- Favourite Lab Job: loading agarose gel without loading dye
- Favourite Lab anecdote: genau, genau
- Favourite Lab apparatus: Eppendorf 5417 R Refrigerated Microcentrifuge
- Favourite hot drink: Coffee
- Favourite cold drink: Coco-Colo
- Favourite food: After more then 40 times, I'm starting to like the Chinese food out of the BMW Z3 trunk.
- Most proudest achievement: Isolating PLRV CP in one try.
- Favourite quote: To live is Christ, to die is gain (although I think I don't really understand it)