Team:UC Chile2/SpiderColi/Notepad


Revision as of 03:44, 15 August 2012 by Maxfelis (Talk | contribs)

Cyanolux & Bactomithril - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, iGEM 2012


March, 5-11, 2012

The whole team met for the first time after the vacations of February. We discussed our scheduling and divided ourselves in two groups: Cyanolux and Bactomythril. The leaders of each group were elected: Carla (Cyanolux) and Claudia (Bactomithril). Cyanolux: Wetlab: Simon, Seba / Drylab: Carla, Tamara, Isaac Bactomithril: Wetlab: Ulises, Bryon / Drylab: Claudia, Emilia, Max Carla and Max were chosen to maintain the wiki updated. Bernardo and Rolando are going to collaborate with both groups. Also, we scheduled meetings of the whole team every Friday or Tuesday (depending on the availability of the majority of the team), and meetings with the whole team and our advisor, Professor Rodrigo Gutierrez, every other Thursday. Likewise, each group should have their own meetings. Finally, we decided to work based on delivery dates. Each member should compromise to complete a task in specific time intervals.

March, 12-18, 2012

We registered our team in iGEM. Now we are officially part of iGEM 2012! Also we began to learn how to use our wiki. Our Bactomithril project is still in its initial stage, so we began to read as many papers about recombinant spider silk and protein modeling as we could. Some of the most relevant papers we found are Xia et al. 2010 - “Native-sized recombinant spider silk protein produced in metabolically engineered Escherichia coli results in a strong fiber” Widmaier et al. - 2009 - “Engineering the Salmonella type III secretion system to export spider silk monomers” We learnt about interesting protein modeling and simulation software (e.g. Rosetta, Foldit), and some protein visualization software (PyMOL, VMD, Chimera) Additionally, we began to send emails requesting genetic sequences from spider silk to scientists from other countries. According to what we know, in Chile nobody works with natural or recombinant spider silk proteins or its genetic sequences. So that this is a real challenge to us.

March, 19-25, 2012

The iGEM team Slovenia 2009 had a project potentially useful for our own project. For that reason, we sent an email to them asking if they could share their biobricks Bba_K245005 and Bba_K245113 with us. They answered us and offered their help. But their shipment never arrived. Anyway, later we realized that those parts are not fully suitable for our needs. Also, some of us had the privilege to assist to a lecture of Andrew Hessel, an authority in Synthetic Biology from USA. Unexpectedly, he had a slide about us! (He found out about us in Internet). He said he was surprised that Chile had an iGEM team working in a forefront discipline such as Synthetic Biology. But most importantly, we designed our first secretion constructs, consisting of a GFP Reporter Plasmid, a Protease Producer Plasmid (see section constructs for more information) and a working plasmid. This last plasmid is used as an intermediate plasmid to build the other two plasmids. We ordered the primers that we need (it takes about two weeks until they arrive!)

March 26 – April 11, 2012

We met with Ignacio Ibarra, an undergrad student of the group of Dr. Francisco Melo. He is willing to advise us in the area of protein modeling.