Team:UC Chile/Cyano/Labbook/week23


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Cyanolux & SpiderColi - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, iGEM 2012


  • PCR band recuperation

Name PCR Concentration [ng/µl] 1 and 2 psigEP -LuxCDEG 5.7

  • Digestion of colonies selected in colony PCR constructs C1.1 and C1.2 (Gibson assembly date: 08.01)

C1.1: Band from colony 8 is the right size. Construct succesfully assembled and will be sequenced to confirm. C1.2 : Wrong size (all colonies). Probably due to: the use of mRFP instead of RFP for the Gibson assembly.

  • Gibson results (assembly date: 08.03) and Colony PCR

C1.1: two positive colonies but were the wrong size. C1.2: several positive colonies but were the wrong size. Probably due to: the use of mRFP instead of RFP for the Gibson assembly. Pcaa3 BB: several colonies and with the right size. It will be digested. ADF 3: no colonies.

  • Miniprep and positive colonies digestion (Gibson assembly date: 08.03)

Colony Concentration [ng/µl] 1 52.4 2 45.8 5 38.3 10 62.9

  • Synechocystis PCC6803 transformation results (transformation date: 07.20)

Synechocystis did not grow. Probably due to: they die in the presence of glucose. Synechocystis were reinoculated and e. coli was transformed with psbAB+GFP to further transformation in synechocystis.

  • PCR run (59ºC)

Name PCR Template Primer F Primer R Length Additive 1 Bactomithril 2 Bactomithril 4 Pcaa3 -LuxCDEG sigEP -LuxCDEG 16.H9 16.H4 4000 8%Dmso 5 LuxBrick (No P) LuxBrick 17.E1 Suffix.Dig R 600 5%Dmso 6 LuxBrick (wxAB) LuxBrick 17.E4 17.E5 2000 5%Dmso 7 LuxAB (4tap) LuxBrick 17.D7 17.D10 2000 5%Dmso 8 ADF-3 Alone ADF-3 17.E2 17.E3 2000 5%Dmso 9 C1_R_VB C1.1 16.E7 16.E6 4300 10 C1.2_VB C1.1 14.F6 14.F5 5200


  • 9: amplifies from RS2 to mRFP. Switches Kan to KanR.
  • 10: amplifies from mRFP to RS1. Switches psbAB to psbAB2 (C1.2)