Week 3 (09/07/12)
From 2012.igem.org
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We aimed to start doing something towards our project today. To this end, Tom and Oli began making up a batch of competent bacillus (strain 168) for freezing and future use. The protocol for this can be found here (another protocol that needs writing up - Oli).
Paul and Andreas went over to the photonics department to begin the process of making our circuit for the analysis of the bacterial luciferase signal. They also began formalizing the design of the actual instrumentation so it could be made over the next few days.
Jolyon managed to find an endogenous fluoride riboswitch that had been reported in bacillus subtilis. As a novel biobrick, this would have obvious applications in the analysis of riverwater. Such a device could also be pitched at persons a la General Ripper, concerned about fluride contaminating their "precious bodily fluids", though such a marketing strategy could produce somewhat sporadic orders.
Some of us also started using the faintly egomaniacal geneious program for the analysis of DNA.
All in all, a fairly productive first day!