Context and Objectives
Every year industries spend billions of dollars to get rid of the biofilms which develop in their installations. Indeed biofims are reponsible for :
At the moment, industries have some solutions at their disposal to limit the biofilm development but they have generaly an environmental impact and/or an important cost.
Thus, we develop a new generation of solution against biofilms in industry, which allows to reduce :
Our solution is based on engineered bacterial "torpedos" capable of infiltrating, destroying biofilms (KILL) and protecting the cleaned surfaces by either a surfactant coating (COAT option), or by establishment of a positive biofilm ( STICK option).
This tunneling activity of Bacillus subtilis swimmer cells enables to :
Moreover Bacillus strains are non pathogenic and do not cause equipment deteroriation by corrosion.
To sum up, this biocide-alternative strategy provides a money-saving and an environementally friendly solution for the control of unwanted biofilm.