Here we are the Super UNAM Genomics TEAM :) everybody is a hard worker
All work on this project was done by members of the UNAM_Genomics_Mexico's 2012 iGEM Team. Original constructs from which to obtain P4 gene and A3 promoter to Biobrick were supplied by Dr. Margarita Salas from Autonomous University of Madrid. Bacillus Subtilis strains were provided by Dr. Ben-Yehuda from School of Medicine-IMRIC, Dr. Gabriela Olmedo from Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV,IPN) Campus Irapuato and Dr. Guillermo Gosset from Biotechnology Institute (IBT, UNAM) .Supervision and direction was provided by members of the Center for Genomic Sciences, (CCG) however all work was done by the team, during the months of May 2012 to present. Most work was developed in the CCG from National Autonomous University of México (UNAM). Part of the work with Bacillus Subtillis was done in CINVESTAV Campus Irapuato. Special thanks to Amhed Missael Vargas Velazquez for his support with MATLAB®, Dr. Otto Geiger for allowing us to use its lab at CCG to work with the OR and the Sweet AND and to Dr. Gabriela Olmedo for her help with Bacillus Subtilis.
Our Instructors
Our instructors and advisors ready to be shoot by a Biobrick squad

David Romero-Camarena This guy is our instructor •Main Instructor

Osbaldo Resendis-Antonio This guy is our instructor • Modeling instructor
Our Advisors

Hector F. Medina This guy is our modeling advisor Hector is well known in the iGEM dark side as "Mamma Raven". He is also awesome modeling... just look at his photo! |

Rogelio Hernandez Tamayo This guy is our wet-lab advisor

Miguel Angel Wences Guzman This guy is our wet-lab advisor

Fares Osam Yáñez Cuña This guy is our wet-lab advisor

Jose Antonio Alonso-Pavon This guy is our Ethics and Human Practices advisor "Pepe" has a master degree in BioEthics |
Meet our team

Abiel Trevino Garza • Project design
•Part design
•Wiki design
•Wiki implementation
•Human practices/Video edition
•Human practices/Recording
•Human practices/ Biosintetizarte 2.0
•Funds raising
•Public relations
•Wet lab Sweet AND

Maria Angelica Bravo
•Project design
•Part design
•Public relations
•Human practices/ video script
•Wet lab/ Bacillus Subtilis

Diego Rodríguez •Project design
•Part design
•Wet lab/ sweet AND
•Wet lab/ OR

Dulce Beatriz Vargas Landin •Project design
•Part design
•Wet lab/ Heavy-Metal AND

Jonathan Padilla Gómez •Project design
•Part design
•Wet lab/ Sweet AND
•Wet lab / OR

Ana Karen Mojica Avila •Project design
•Part design
•Wet lab/ Heavy-Metal AND

Benjamín Hernández Rodríguez •Project design
•Part design
•Human practices/ video script
•Human practices/ video recording
•Part documentation

Diana Vera Cruz • Project design
•Part design
•Human practices/ video script
•Human practices/ video recording

Roberto Tirado Magallanes •Project design
•Part design

Laura Teresa Jimenez Barrón •Project design
•Part design
•Wet lab/ Bacillus Subtillis
•Part characterization
•The sweet voice of Miss. Cohnnie

Rebeca Borges Monroy •Project design
•Part design
•Wet lab/ Heavy-Metal AND
Each team must clearly attribute work done by the team on this page. They must distinguish work done by the team from work done by others, including the host labs, advisors, instructors, graduate students, and postgraduate masters students.