Team/CINVESTAV-IPN-UNAM MX/Institute.htm


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Systems and Synthetic Biology Lab

Systems and Synthetic Biology Lab During the summer we worked with our lead instructor, Agustino Martínez-Antonio PhD in the Systems and Synthetic Biology Lab in the installations of the Center for Research and Advanced Studies at Irapuato (Cinvestav) located in Guanajuato Mexico.

BioINGENiosis a group of work at Cinvestav Irapuato whose primary mission is to contribute to the advance of basic research and their applications, we also continuously are training future researchers with these aims in their minds.

This vocation is powered by a team who study operative principles and mechanisms that drive the function of single-cell organisms and uses this knowledge and their ingenious creativity to bioengineer new genetic circuits and cellular prototypes with improved/desired properties and the construction of new biological modules and biosystems.

After and before the summer we worked in 3 different labs

quimicalogoMolecular Genetics lab at Institute of Cell Phisiology (IFC, UNAM) with our instructor Fernando Suaste-Olmos PhD and Heliodoro Celis Sandoval PhD.
Protein Engineering Lab at Institute of Chemistry (IQ,UNAM), with our instructor Nuria Sánchez-Puig PhD.
Neuroimmunoendrocrinology Networks lab, at Institute of Biomedical Research (IIB, UNAM) with our advisors Karen Nava Castro PhD and Jorge Morales Montor PhD.
Conservation Medicine Lab at Superior School for Medicine (IPN) with our instructor Paola Zárate-Segura PhD.

Our Institutions

Center for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV)

cinestavThe Cinvestav was created in 1961 by presidential decree as a public agency with legal personality and its own assets. Its founding director, Dr. Arturo Rosenblueth, prompted a formal demand that has resulted in the success of the institution. The Cinvestav has twenty-eight research departments that are distributed by the nine campuses throughout Mexico.

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (National Autonomous University of Mexico)

unamlogoThe National Autonomous University of Mexico is the most important University of Mexico, is a institution of higher learning in the Americas. It is the largest University in Latin America and was ranked the best in Latin America. In Mexico, it stands out as a university that contributes the highest number of professionals, as well as the distinction, variety, and depth of its scientific, humanistic, and cultural activities. Its long scientific, humanistic tradition extends over vast fields of hard and soft knowledge. To these new frontier subjects in the contemporary knowledge have been added such as genomic sciences, new materials, and nanotechnologies. Moreover one must also consider the development of infrastructure evidenced by supercomputers, an advanced visualization observatory to teach complex phenomena, and support to scientific research. The Faculty of Chemistry, UNAM is the most important institution, among the colleges that teach chemistry in our country. Since its inception, our faculty has trained more than 35,000 chemistry professionals, who have contributed to the important educational performance and industrial transformation of Mexico. The prestige of the School of Chemistry has exceeded the Mexican borders, as evidenced by international awards, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and the Prince of Asturias, obtained by distinguished alumni.

Instituto Politécnico Nacional (National Polytechic Institute)

ipnThe National Polytechnic is one of the largest public universities in Mexico with students at the high school, undergraduate and postgraduate levels. IPN is an important institution in Latin America, focused in the generation, diffusion and transfer of knowledge, is one of the leaders in technological education in Mexico. The Interdisciplinary Professional Unit of Biotechnology (UPIBI) is an academic unit of Higher Education and Graduate Studies specifically created by the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico to help solving problems in the areas of food, health and environment through the use of biotechnology and bioengineering.
