Contents |
Safety Regulations
- [ WHO]
- [ Convention on Biological Diversity]
- [ NIH]
- [ Center for Disease Control (CDC)]
- [ American Biological Safety Association]
- [ US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)]
- [ Caltech Safety Office]
- [ Caltech Institute Biosafety Committee]
- [ Caltech Biosafety Manual (pdf)]
- [ Caltech Biohazardous Agent Classification (pdf)]
We talked to the Caltech safety office about our project. They saw no problems with our handling of biological safety since we are working with Level 1 organisms. They noted that the possibility of growing pathological bacteria from our enrichment cultures is low due to immediately diluting in minimal media rather than growing environmental samples up on LB. If we suspect any of the cultured organisms are harmful, we will work with the safety office to implement proper safety procedures.
However, we talked to the safety office about some of the possible chemical hazards in our lab. Any solid waste (tubes, etc) should be put in a container or bag and also labeled as hazardous waste.
The team completed safety training including a walkthrough the lab with the lab safety officer before beginning any lab work. We also spent about 3 days with our graduate student mentors learning molecular biology techniques including how do be safe while doing so.
How we comply with Institute Guidelines
Before working in the lab, we were required to attend the SURF Safety Presentation, a talk given by the Caltech Safety Office that goes over general guidelines for working in any sort of lab.
- How to assemble if there is a fire
- For Braun, outside by Wilson Ave, letting the floor warden know if everyone from your lab evacuated
- Shelter in place for earthquakes and other hazards
- Emails, phone calls and texts through the automated message system will alert everyone to threats on campus
- Wear appropriate attire to work
- Closed toed shoes
- Long pants if working with large amounts of dangerous chemicals
- Avoid working alone and let someone know that you're in lab if you must work alone
- For emergencies, call security at ext 5000.
The safety officers for Braun 16 are Dr. Michael Vicic, Linda Song and Grayson Chadwick. They gave us a tour of the lab, showing us were safety equipment was before getting card access to the building and lab.
- Shower and eyewash located near the main door
- Fire extinguisher near main exit
- First aid kit at front of room
- Telephone near main exit
Our graduate student mentors, Emzo de los Santos, Nate Glasser and Gita Abadi gave us a 2-day bootcamp before we could begin work on the project. This included how to perform sterile techniques, operation of the equipment we would need in the lab, and basic molecular biology techniques, since some team members had no previous research experience.
Concise Guidelines for iGEM Researchers
(See above in Researcher Safety for a more detailed description of endocrine disruptor hazards)
- When handling cells, DNA or chemicals, researchers are required to wear gloves and change them often. This protects us and our experiments.
- DNA in agarose gels are stained with SybrSafe instead of ethidium bromide.
- Gel imaging is still done under UV, so we minimize researcher exposure by
- Making sure the image box is closed before turning the UV light on, and making sure the UV light is off before opening it.
- Performing gel extractions with a blue light box, which only requires amber glasses
- Gel imaging is still done under UV, so we minimize researcher exposure by
Ideas for General iGEM Safety
We believe requiring more documentation of submitted parts will help improve the safety of iGEM teams. Having more information about what we are working with allows us to design better experiments, understand interactions between parts and be aware of possible dangers to ourselves or the environment caused by the BioBrick. Some ways we think teams can help make their documentation even better:
- Cite literature used in the creation of the BioBrick
- Provide documentation of the creation and use of the part by writing directly on the Part page or linking to the team's notebook or project page
- If possible, sequence the part right before submitting it to the Parts Registry. Use that sequence rather than the intended or planned sequence in the part specification. If it is different from the intended sequence, note that on the Part Design or the BioBrick's main page.
- Fill out the experience page with data showing how the part worked for a specific test or link to the team wiki about use of that part. Experience pages are useful for helping teams decide what part to use if there are multiple choices to fulfill their need for their project.