User:DrJones1935/30 September 2012


Revision as of 23:40, 3 October 2012 by Ajl58 (Talk | contribs)
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I. Check Transformation Plates for Colonies

  • B. subtilis PY79 - no colonies on any plates
  • E. coli MachI
Plate colonies
- control 0
+ control (pBAV1K) ~4000 white
1 ~0 white, ~1500 blue
2 ~1500 colonies, 30-50% blue
3 ~0 white, ~300 blue
4 1-3 white, 300-400 blue

  • A. baylyi ADP1
Plate colonies
- control 0
+ control (pBAV1K) >10000 white
1 14 white, 0 blue
2 11 white, 0 blue
3 1 white
4 23 blue, 12 white (note, white colonies were significantly larger than all except two blue colonies)

II. Make liquid cultures from Transformation Plates

  • Aliquot 1 mL of LB each to 3 tubes
    • To all three, add 1 uL of Kan stock (50 mg/mL)
    • To one, add 1 uL of Chloramphenicol stock (37 mg/mL)
    • In the dark, to another, add 1.5 uL of Tetracycline stock (10 mg/mL)
  • Repeat for each plate tested

  • Inoculate one blue colony (except for WT plates) into one tube according to the following list:
    • ADP1 WT (Kan, Kan+Cm, Kan+Tet)
    • ADP1 4 (Kan, Kan+Cm, Kan+Tet)
    • MachI WT (Kan, Kan+Cm, Kan+Tet)
    • MachI 1 (Kan, Kan+Cm, Kan+Tet)
    • MachI 2 (Kan, Kan+Cm, Kan+Tet)
    • MachI 3 (Kan, Kan+Cm, Kan+Tet)
    • MachI 4 (Kan, Kan+Cm, Kan+Tet)
      • Note: because of the small number of large blue colonies on the ADP1 4 plate, I had to hit the same colony several times
  • Incubate overnight with shaking at 32 oC