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iGEM Berkeley iGEMBerkeley iGEMBerkeley


Protein interaction domain-peptide systems have been used by synthetic biologists to oligomerize or localize proteins. In particular, protein-protein interaction pairs have been applied to both scaffolding and signaling applications with impressive results. In such systems, orthogonality of protein pair interactions is desired to reduce cross-talk between system components and allow synthetic biologists to gain more precise control. However, the limited number and diversity of well-characterized, orthogonal protein interaction pairs restricts the complexity of systems that can be designed.

Current screening methods for protein-protein interactions (such as transcription-driven GFP expression in yeast 2-hybrid systems) do not have high enough throughput to analyze large library sizes of protein interaction pairs. However, with the utilization of MiCodes and microscopy’s ability to record spatial information, we were able to design an assay to directly observe and screen for orthogonal protein-protein interactions.

We adopted a bait-prey scheme in our experimental design. Two types of constructs were made using the golden gate cloning scheme detailed in our Construction page. The zipper parts were 3a parts, fluorescent proteins were 3b parts, and a peroxisome targeting tag-terminator sequence was a 4 part within our golden gate scheme. A diagram and description of these constructs is provided below:

Diagram of bait and prey leucine zipper constructs with fused fluorescent proteins and targeting tags.

"Prey": The prey construct has a leucine zipper fused to a monomeric red fluorescent protein (mKate).
"Bait": The bait construct has a different leucine zipper fused to a photoactivatable green fluorescent protein (PAGFP) and a peroxisome targeting signal sequence. PAGFP is primarily used as a positive control to ensure the bait constructs are correctly targeted to the peroxisome.

These two constructs are combined into a plasmid and integrated into yeast.
Once expressed in the cytosol, the bait will be recruited to the peroxisome due to the PTS1 targeting sequence. If the binding interaction between the zipper pair is strong, then the prey zipper will be recruited to the peroxisome along with the bait. Effectively, in the event of a strong interaction, the yeast cell will have red fluorescent protein concentrated in the peroxisome when viewed under a microscope.
If the zipper pair has no binding interaction, then the prey zipper will remain in the cytosol. Effectively, in the event of weak to no interaction, the yeast cell will have diffuse red fluorescent protein in the cytosol when viewed under a microscope.

This assay was tested using zipper pairs of binding affinity characterized by yeast two hybrid systems courtesy of the Keating Lab at MIT (figure shown below, found in Thompson, et. al 2012). The following zipper pairs were used: 20+2 (strong), 20+6 (medium), 20+13 (weak).

Cell fluorescence as a measure of MAPK pathway modulation by SYNZIP parts. Interaction pairs are
ordered, left to right, by the relative mean cell fluorescence induced.

The following microscope images were obtained using these protein interaction pairs in our leucine zipper assay:

Strong interaction.

Medium interaction.

Weak interaction.

As it is shown in the figures above, the strong zipper interaction corresponds to red punctate in the peroxisomes of the yeast cells. The medium interaction gives diffuse RFP in the cytosol along with some concentrated red in the peroxisomes. The weak interaction gives only diffuse RFP in the cytosol.

Our computational team conducted an analysis of the zipper data from the images shown above. Our metric for gauging zipper-interaction was amount of protein in peroxisome divided by amount of protein in cytosol. This ratio was calculated for each cell in each population using the cell segmentation software described in the automation section and an additional program that the computational team developed for identifying and analyzing peroxisomes. Based on this analysis the interaction strengths in the table below were found.

The MATLAB analysis allows us to assign quantitative values to the qualitative
interactions strengths we observe in the microscopy images. We found that the
MATLAB analysis agreed well with the "eye-ball" interaction test shown above.

Cloning for the Home Run 40 bait x 40 prey interaction library is underway and is detailed on our Construction page.