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Wellesley HCI iGEM Team: Nicole's Notebook

Nicole's Notebook


May 29: (Day 1) First day of the summer session!

Research started today, so a majority of the day was dedicated to administrative details about the program. Otherwise, Veronica and I were assigned to research more about semantic search--what it was, its benefits, and whether or not it would be worthwhile to pursue this field in the context of synthetic biology. We will be presenting our findings near the beginning of June.

May 30: (Day 2)

For the majority of the day, I was learning how to code with C# on a Windows 8 Surface. It was easy to get lost on the more technical side and details of the coding, especially because the instructions seemed to assume you knew about the basic commands in C#. Other than that, it was easier to delve into the code without blindly copying down if it had been my first time. There were a couple of times where getting stuck and being unable to figure out the problem because of my lack of knowledge got frustrating, but because it was my first experience creating code to manipulate objects on a touch screen, I found the learning experience to be pretty amazing overall. Otherwise, I’ve been doing more reading on synthetic biology. It took me a while to read them since I hadn’t taken up Biology since the ninth grade, but I found the idea of engineering a new biological function interesting so I managed to complete most of the reading.

May 31: (Day 3)

I continued reading more about Semantic Search and its advantages compared to other types of searches as well as its disadvantages along with exploring different semantic search engines that are already available on the web, specifically for bioinformatic research (e.g. [], [], and []). A couple of papers also introduced me to the idea of incorporating other types of searches in Semantic Search. I learned a bit more about text mining, natural language processing (NLP), and ontology.

June 4: (Day 5)

Veronica and I continued reasearching on Semantic Search for the morning. The lab then headed over to Microsoft NERD for the second half of the day where we learned about their new beta project, a tablet with Microsoft 8. The interface is definitely engaging, what with their idea of using tiles and semantic zooming. I also like how transparent they’re trying to be with people who are trying to create applications for their story. Their idea of using a picture the owner can choose on their own as part of the password was really cool! I also like how they found a way to accommodate different finger sizes by enabling users to rescale the keyboard. All the different gestures to fully use the tablet however are not intuitive and takes some getting used to. It seemed much easier when Edwin was just demonstrating the product for us than when I actually tested out the tablet myself. Although, it is great how applications can now be made using HTML5 and JavaScript. I'm definitely going to start learning how to code in these languages before the summer is out.

June 5: (Day 6) A day in the wet lab

The lab met up in MIT and we spent the entire day learning more about synthetic biology. Professor Natalie Kuldell gave us a lecture in the morning and had us running experiments that afternoon to try applying what we've learned and get us exposed to the lab environment (which was particularly helpful for those of us who hadn't done Biology since 9th grade). Natalie was able to make the lecture engaging when talking about the basics of synthetic biology and its similarities with other engineering practices. Once she got more technical however it was more difficult for me to follow. As for the lab, first of all, I've definitely gained a newfound respect for people majoring in the biological sciences. Lab can be very tiring--and we were only in there for two hours when labs in Wellesley College courses usually take 4+ hours!

It was difficult to remember reasons behind you're doing the protocols you're doing especially if, like me, one is a beginner in the subject who's more immediately concerned with what the lab procedures mean by using a certain instrument or machine to complete a protocol. It was helpful that Natalie had led us into a discussions after the lab to reflect on what we just did and sort of touch upon the big picture, but I definitely felt like, by the end of the day, I learned more about lab processes rather than the material that motivated the experiments in the first place. Natalie highlighted how difficult it is to look for information when the researcher does not know what to look for--something that hopefully we'll be able to facilitate using the applications we'll be developing for iGEM and semantic search.

June 6 - 8: (Days 7 - 9) Preparing for Presentations

Veronica, Casey, and I discussed our individual findings from the research we had done until this point and decided what we'd be presenting -- the basics of semantic search, ways we can implement semantic search in surface applications, and challenges of implementing semantic search. We also tried finding an already made API we could customize because creating our own semantic search engine is definitely not a feasible job for a few people in one summer.

We spoke with Consuelo and Orit about our current material for our presentation this coming Monday and found that we needed to research more on the feasibility of implementing a customized semantic search engine using databases like PubMed, iGEM, and the Parts Registry. We then finalized our presentation.

On Friday, we were able to speak with Professor Eni Mustafaraj. She went over a brief explanation of semantic search and how it is implemented. She gave us suggestions on ways we could have our own customized semantic search engine. Initially, we had thought of using the commercially-made engines that enabled users to modify it based on the databases they want the engine to use. Eni warned us however that we should search for semantic search engines that had been written about in a research/academic paper, and instead pointed us towards an open source project called Apache Jena. What we would have to do is somehow convert what we want into RDF format and from there figure out how we could implement the engine using Jena.

June 11: (Day 10) Presentation Day!

Today, each group presented their findings on the topics we had been assigned at the beginning of summer research. Between each presentation, we shared our

June 12: (Day 11) A day in the wet lab

BU day!

June 13 & 14: (Day 12 & 13) Brainstorming!!

Brainstorming reflection goes here

June 15: (Day 14)

June 18: (Day 15)

June 19: (Day 16)

June 20: (Day 17)

June 21: (Day 18)

June 22: (Day 19)

June 23: (Day 20)

June 24: (Day 21)

June 25: (Day 22)

June 27: (Day 23)

June 28: (Day 24)

June 29: (Day 25)

July 2: (Day 26)