Team:UC Chile/Cyanolux/Biolamp
We designed a stylish and translucent container to house our modified Synechocystis. Considering the attributes of these bacteria this will be the first self-rechargeable, programmable and eco-friendly biological lamp. It will emit light only at night, and during the day it will recharge thanks to the Photoautotrophic nature of Synechocystis.
It consists basically in a structure made of acrylic with the form similar to a hollow torus. We chose acrylic because it is transparent and has a minimal fragility.
Currently we are working with [ this workshop] to evaluate the fabrication possibilities, materials and costs. We estimate that the biolamp will be finished two weeks after the wiki freeze.
Besides, we are planing to implement 2 additional characteristics to the biolamp:
1) To include reflective walls in some areas of the inside of the receptacle. This idea is motivated in the anatomical structure of Euprymna scolopes (see image below).
2) To fabricate walls of irregular thickness with the geometry indicated in the image below. That way the biolamp will have two chambers joined with a small space. Then the receptacle should be filled to the half of its capacity.