Team:Uppsala University/Backbones/Details
Characterization of copy number is essential when describing a low copy number plasmid. The copy number of the pSB4x15 series, especially the pSB4C15, has been estimated by three methods giving all leading to the same conclusion.
Flow cytometry Quadruplicates (for +IPTG) or triplicates (-IPTG) of E coli MG1655 strains carrying pSB3C5-red, pSB4C5-red, pSB4C15-red, and a DH5alpha strain carrying pSB1C3 with a non-coding construct, were inoculated in 2 mL LB media with chloramphenicol (12 µg/mL) and with or without IPTG (0.5 mM). Cultures were grown shaking at 37° C for 15 hours (+IPTG) or 19 hours (-IPTG), and were visibly confirmed to have grown at steady state for at least 4 hours. Samples were equilibrated in PBS solution at 1:160 dilution for 2 hours, and then measured by a BD Biosciences FACS. 10^5 cells of each sample were individually measured and averaged, with dead and other non-flourescent cells excluded. Results (see figure 1) indicates that that the pEL4C5 has similar or higher copy number than the low to medium copy number plasmid pSB3C5. The pSB4C15 strain shows a lower fluorescence by more than an order of magnitude. In the +IPTG experiment, it expresses less than 1/20 of the flourescence of the other strains.
Plasmid yieds
Significantly higher plasmid yields were observed in pSB3C5 and pSB4C5 than in pSB4C15, suggesting a higher copy number. The variance in yield is however large. Color development on platesE coli MG1655 carrying pSB4C5-red, pSB4C15 and pSBC15 was plated on on LA plates with chloramphenicol (12 µl/mL) and incubated at 30° C or 37° C for two days. Color expression was assed visually.
Strong RFP expression was observed in pSB4C5-red strains, weak color in pSB8C15-red strains and no color in pSB4C15-red strains. This points to higher plasmid copy number in pSB4C5 than of the other plasmids. The native lacI system of MG1655 likely repressed the lacI promoter well, inhibiting color development.
Conclusions The performed experiments also strongly support that pSB4C15 is a true low copy bockbone. It is strongly suggested that this result is also valid for the whole pSB4x15 series, since they only differ in their resistance cassette. |
Repression of common lac promoters Cassettes of the lacI, LlacO and T5lac and RFP were assembled in the pSB4C15Iq backbone, inE coli DH5alpha. Single clones of these were inoculated in 2 mL LB media with chloramphenicol (12 µg/mL) and with or without IPTG (0.5 mM). Cultures were grown shaking at 37° C for 18 hours, and were visibly confirmed to have grown at steady state for at least 4 hours. Samples were equilibrated in PBS solution at 1:160 dilution for 1 hour, and then measured by a BD Biosciences FACS. 10^5 cells of each sample were individually measured and averaged, with dead and other non-flourescent cells excluded.