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iGEM Team Bonn Header

Home Team Project Other Activities Parts Submitted to the Registry Notebook Safety Attributions Sponsors
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During the time of the competition, the iGEM Team Bonn 2012 raised money, purchased lab equipment, planned lab work, did lab work, organized public outreach events, spoke to the media, planned our jamboree trip and worked on our Wiki and documentation.

Many people helped us during the project and without this help, our project would never have been possible. People who gave us advise, instructions, new ideas or helped us out with new materials and stuff.

In biweekly meetings with our instructors and advisors we talked about our achievements and discussed what we needed to do next. So lots of credit goes to Prof. Dr. Günter Mayer, Prof. Dr. Michael Famulok, Katia Schöler, Silvana Haßel, Anna Hall and Martina Bettio and many other people in the lab for their patience and help!

We also want to thank our sponsors, without them the project would not even have started. Thank you for sponsoring our work!


Gene sequencing and primer synthesis were done by the labs of our sponsors.

Support for SynBio Info Day

A special thanks to all the companies that supported us with materials for the tombola at our SynBio Info Day: Helios Klinikum Wuppertal GmbH, Volksbank Bonn Rhein-Sieg eG, Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln, Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Kreisverband Bonn e.V., Carl Roth GmbH & Co. KG and Macherey-Nagel GmbH & Co. KG. We also thank LMU-Munich who provided the press release for all German iGEM Teams.

LOV Samples

To track down our LovTap issues, we requested LOV samples from other iGEM teams and LMU-Munich and TU Darmstadt were so kind to provide us with the requested plasmids. Many thanks for doing this from the whole team! We also thank the Sosnick Lab of the University of Chicago for providing uns their LovTap fusion construct.