

Revision as of 18:05, 26 September 2012 by Srebrnicaljaz (Talk | contribs)



We believe our team deserves the Gold medal because we met the following criteria:

Requirements for a Bronze Medal

    • We registered our team, have a great summer, and plan to have fun at the Regional Jamboree.
    • We successfully completed and submitted this iGEM 2012 Judging form.
    • We created and shared a description of the team's project using the iGEM wiki and the team's parts using the Registry of Standard Biological Parts.
    • We planned to present a Poster and Talk at the iGEM Jamboree.
    • We entered information detailing at least one new standard BioBrick Part or Device in the Registry of Standard Biological Parts. Including:
      • Primary nucleic acid sequence
      • Description of function;
      • Authorship;
      • Safety notes, if relevant;
      • Acknowledgment of sources and references;
    • We submitted DNA for at least one new BioBrick Part or Device to the Registry.

Requirements for a Silver Medal

Requirements for a Gold Medal

    • We improve an existing BioBrick Part or Device and entered this information back on the Experience Page of the Registry.
    • We helped another iGEM team bringing them last year experience.
    • We outline and detailed a new approach to an issue of Human Practice in synthetic biology as it relates to your project, such as safety, security, ethics, or ownership, sharing, and innovation. Link to this information on our wiki

iGEM Prizes

    • We think our team could be eligible for the ‘Best Human Practice Advance’. This, not for the in deep production of a new communication standard, but for the multiple approaches that we followed and for the wide range of people that we involved in our activities.
      We focused our attention on new generations, giving them the right tools to understand new scientific discoveries, but also being attentive to safety and bioethical issues. In the optic of these intentions we started to target University students during events like UniVillage and thanks to the collaboration with the university blog “il Tascapane” .
      Then we will take part, representing our University, to the European Innovation and Science Research Forum : we prepared the activities for children from 6 years old to high school teenagers.
      The second strategy has been directed to over50 people. We had the opportunity to present our project and introduce synthetic biology to stimulate the curiosity of a wide audience during the Science Café , an event created to spread science with a lifelong philosophy.
      We also dedicated energies to improve the communication and collaboration among igemmers, through a new tool: socialiGEM! A virtual meeting point without any distraction, where the community can share, discuss and organize their work.
      Finally we organized and hosted the first Italian igemmers meeting and hope that in the future iGEM will reach many other Italian Universities. More than an outreach, this was a cooperation opportunity for exchanging idea and collaborating.

Team Parts

    • We help the judges to evaluate our parts, we identified 3 of our parts that we felt best documented and of the highest quality

iGEM Safety

    • For iGEM 2012 teams are asked to detail how they approached any issues of biological safety associated with their projects.

Attribution and Contributions

    • For iGEM 2012 the description of each project must clearly attribute work done by the team and distinguish it from work done by others, including the host labs, advisors, and instructors..


    • A very short time with several things to do: this is iGEM! An amazing experience that every student should live during his studies.
      iGEM helps you to become independent in all the steps that research requires, it is an opportunity to grow as a person, an experience that enriches and changes the perception of science that surrounds us.
      The Jolly JoCare was entirely created by us, 7 motivated students with a will to learn as much as we can from this experience.
      After plenty of brainstorming since January, we gave birth to our project in May. We completely and passionately dedicated our time to make The Jolly JoCare project real.
      We did not stop here, we also spread the SynBio knowledge around us involving people of all ages.
      These paragraphs have been written to convey our feelings of what these months meant for all of us.
      We hope you will enjoy The Jolly JoCare!!
Team iGEM 2012

Contact us

For other information, write to:
Università degli studi di Trieste ICGEB Illy Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio
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