During our project we have used parts that were given to us by different labs or were taken from the registry/distribution kit.
Donated parts
- Ann K. Ganesan - WT T7 RNAP
- Changwon Kang - WT SP6 RNAP
- Christopher A. Voight - T7*, T7*(T3), T7*(N4), T7*(K1F) RNAPs with suitable induced promoters: pT7, pT3, pK1F, pN4
- Gallivan Lab (Gallivan Justin P., Lynch Sean A.) - Theophylline riboswitch and pTAC
- Roee's Lab (Roee Amit) - Cerulean FP under control of pLac/Ara, mCitrin FP and mCherry under control of pTetO.
Parts from Distribution Kit
Name | Description | [ BBa_B0015] | Double terminator | [ BBa_F2620] | TetR controllable LuxR and lux pR genes | [ BBa_I0462]** | LuxR protein generator | [ BBa_I13522]** | GFP under pTetO control | [ BBa_J06504]** | mCherry FP | [ BBa_J06702] | mCherry, bacterial with RBS and forward terminator | [ BBa_J23119] | Constitutive promoter | [ BBa_R0062] | Promoter (luxR & HSL regulated -- lux pR) | [ pSB1C3] | High copy BioBrick assembly plasmid | [ pSB3C5] | Low to medium copy BioBrick standard vector |
Notes: Parts followed by ** are parts that haven't worked because distribution kit contained some other DNA in the well where the part should be
New parts and complex parts we have created: