

Revision as of 04:22, 26 September 2012 by Aditrianr (Talk | contribs)

Metamorphosis Design Free Css Templates

  • Dr.Ir. Achmad Farajallah,S.Si (Instructor)

    Fungsi Hayati dan Perilaku Hewan Departemen Biologi
  • Dr. Utut Widyastuti Suharsono (Advisor)

    Departemen Biologi Institut Pertanian Bogor dan Pusat Penelitian Bioteknologi dan Sumberdaya Hayati , IPB

    Seorang asisten profesor di Departemen Biologi Institut Pertanian Bogor. Ia menerima gelar Ph.D di biosains, khususnya pada Genetika Molekular Tumbuhan dari Nara Institute Science and Technology (NAIST), Jepang tahun 2002. Dr. Utut Widyastuti aktif dalam berbagai proyek penelitian internasionalselama 7 tahun terakhir seperti Generation Challenge Programme (GCP) dan Japan Society Promotion Science (JSPS). Sejak 1989, ia telah mengajar pendidikan genetika untuk mahasiswa sarjana, dan sejak 2002hingga sekarang , ia telah mengajar genetika tumbuhan, interaksi mikroba tumbuhan, biologi molekuler tumbuhandan bioteknologiuntuk sekolah pascasarjanadi Institut Pertanian Bogor. Ia telah menerima berbagai hibah penelitiandariDirektorat Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementrian Pertanian, dan Kementrian Riset dan Teknologi, Indonesia. Lingkup penelitiannya adalah seputar transduksi sinya lpada berbagai tanaman hasil pertanian terhadap cekaman biotik dan abiotikseperti penyakit blast padi, cekaman alumunium dan tanah masam.
  • Resti Pratiwi

    Specialities : Coordinating human practices, carrying out the lab work and make sure complete all sorts of laboratory equipment
    Comment : iGEM is a way to explore creativity in synthetic biology. Nothing become turn up.
    Hobby : singing, reading adventure of the world book
    Motto : Dare to be trial&error!
  • Mohammad Fadhillah

    Specialities : Biological science and computer graphic.
    Comment : iGEM is the greatest competition I ever participate
    Hobby : Reading books, writing, analisyst and debate
    Motto : Do the best cause Allah
  • Masrukhin

    Specialities : Animation graphic dan bioinformatic design.
    Comment : iGEM is one of many way to learn about bioinformatic, to get new experience about syntetic biology.
    Hobby : Playing game, watching anime, reading comic and graphic designing.
    Motto : Life is about sleep and unsleep, when you aren’t sleep so be creative.
  • Ari Nugroho

    Specialities : Fund and sponsorship specialist, Laboratory Scientist and graphic design.
    Comment : iGEM is one way to train your softskill in synthetic biology and you can make your dreams come true.
    Hobby : Travelling, sport and reading a book about biology.
    Motto : keep learning till you get the grave.
  • Muhamad Abduh

    Specialities : Fund rising and laboratory working.
    Comment : i-GEM is gateway to genetical world
    Hobby : Playing basketball, learn human psychology
    Motto :do the best, give the best, and be the best.
  • Hendri Sutanto

    Specialities : Laboratory Scientist, Budget planner and Travel organizer
    Comment : iGEM 2012 is a such of wonderful inovation for the development of Synthetic Biology.
    Hobby : Reading books, Playing Music, Travelling, and Doing Bioscience Research
    Motto : All I Have is A Song
  • Muhammad Rizki Faisal

    Specialities : Laboratory Scientist, Sponsorship Specialist.
    Comment : iGEM 2012 is a great event to change the world with Synthetic Biology.
    Hobby : Sport, Music, watching movie, traveling
    Motto : Perfection is no triffle.
  • Uni Sutiah

    Specialities : Public Relation, Sponsorship Specialist, Budget Planner. >Comment : iGEM 2012 make your ideas and dreams to be true!
    Hobby : Adventuring, Travelling, Enjoying my Ipod
    Motto :
  • Kurrataa’yun

    Specialities : Laboratory Scientist
    Comment : iGEM 2012 such genes, that could be modified and effected all of the living being by it development and modification. Cool !!!.
    Hobby : Reading, sport, watching and creating movie, play with music.
    Motto : Just do the best, and God will do the rest.
  • Aditrian Rahim

    Specialities : Graphic design, wiki design
    Comment : iGEM is the initial event to open up opportunities for other international achievement
    Hobby : Sport, cycling, playing game PC, reading novel.
    Motto : You are what you think.