Team:TU Munich/Notebook/Labjournal


Revision as of 16:40, 23 June 2012 by VolkerMorath (Talk | contribs)


Friday, 22th June

Transformation of E.coli XL1-Blue with pKS2µHyg-PAL-4Cl-CHS

Investigator: Ingmar, Volker

Aim of the experiment: Plasmid amplification

Operation Sequence:

  • melting of 100 µl Ca-competent E.coli XL1-Blue cells
  • addition of 1 µl of the Plasmid pKS2µHyg-PAL-4Cl-CHS
  • incubation for 30 min on ice
  • heat shock for 5 min at 37 °C
  • transfer of cells to 1 ml LB-medium without antibiotics and incubate at 37°C and 180 rpm for 30 min
  • plate 100 µl on an Amp-LB-plate
  • sediment the leftover in a centrifuge (30 - 60 sec, 13 000 rpm) and resuspend the sediment in 100 µl LB-medium and plate it as well on an Amp-LB-plate

Saturday, 23th June

Quick Change mutagenis to remove NgoMIV from pYES2

Investigator: Ingmar, Volker

Aim of the experiment: Generation of an RFC 25 compatible version of the pYes2 Vector.


Reaction batch

volume reagent
2.5 µl 10x Pfu Ultra II buffer
4 µl Plasmid P7 pYes2_RFC25 MCS template
0.5 µl 1:10 dilution of O38 (10 pmol/µL)
0.5 µl 1:10 dilution of O39 ((10 pmol/µL)
17 µl ddH2O
0.5 µl dNTP mix
0.5 µl Pfu Turbo DNA polymerase (2.5 U / µl)

PCR cycling parameters

Segment Cycles Temperature Time
1 1 95 °C 30 sec
2 15 95°C 30 sec
55°C 1 min
68°C 6 min

===Transformation with E.coli Xl1-Blue===